
7 Things You Did Not Know Your VM Could Do

Virtualization isn’t for nerds alone or people running powerful supercomputers and servers. VM (and virtualization) has something to offer to everybody. If you have been thinking whether VM would be any useful, it is about time you tried it yourself. So here we are, with some Virtual Machine project ideas. You can try these out Read more>>

Linux Server

Linux Server Commands to Turn You into a Pro

In a world that is hyped over Graphical User Interface (GUI), servers commands are not dead yet. No matter how easy the frontend might become, the backend has, and will always, comprise of server commands that need years to master. Whether you are a budding developer or a seasoned sysadmin, you cannot deny that some Read more>>

SEO Checklist 2020

The Ultimate Technical SEO Checklist 2020

These days search engines place more focus on “content” optimization but technical SEO isn’t yet dead. Oftentimes, the technical SEO becomes the decider because professionals unknowingly miss on the essential things. There are more than a hundred strategies linked with SEO; we cannot put them all in one blog. So we decided to categorize and Read more>>


Avoid Paying Huge Prices for Ransomware – How to Act When you are Hit

Ransomware Meaning Ransomware is a malware type that has the capability to encrypt files on the victim’s computers. The attacker, after launching ransomware attacks, demands payoff to decrypt files and restore access to the computer. Each ransom also displays instructions to the user on how to proceed with the payment. Ransoms vary from a few Read more>>

Windows Server

Windows Server Tricks You Will Wish You Knew Sooner

There is a saying that you cannot throw a stone without totalling a Windows computer. The saying is, in fact, true. Windows is perhaps the most widely used OS when it comes to home and office PCs. Linux, the arch-rival to Windows, is somewhat more common in computers that belong to developers and network administrators. Read more>>

Web Hosting Important for Bloggers

Is Web Hosting Important for Bloggers in 2020?

Blog hosting is a trending term these days. It is like any other web hosting but only served for a specific purpose. There are some websites that feature regular updates that may be in the form of individual entries or posts. Although blogging has become such an easy peasy task, still setting up a proper blog channel Read more>>

Virtual Concerts

Virtual Concerts – The 2020 Style of Experiencing Music at Home

Yesterday I was randomly going through some tech-savvy articles when my eyes opened wide after reading this news. A start-up named “Wave” recently raised $30 million for the superstars to stage virtual concerts. But I was unaware of the fact that whether these virtual concerts are such a big deal during these times of quarantine Read more>>


What Is Network Security? 7 Tips To Max Out Your Security

In this article – Network Security explored, and explained. How to setup a secure Network. Network security is a rather broad term covering technology from multiple dimensions. In layman’s terms, it a set of rules of pre-defined configurations that help computer network know which device is seeking unauthorized access to the data. Every business, regardless Read more>>

5D Crystal

5D Storage Crystals: The Superman of the Storage World

Scientists have been working to invent always a better way to store data all around the world. All the work on the objective to find out such a data storage technology that can store data for last like forever. As there is no end to the storage needs of individuals and companies they had to Read more>>


Does Education have to suffer during Lockdown in the age of Cloud Storage?

No one in this world has a clear cut idea that when this whole lockdown period is going to end. We all are sailing in the same ship which is collectively unaware when to dive in. Every month the situation is getting more serious and solutions are coming in at their own pace. In between Read more>>

Cloud computing

Cluster Computing with Kubernetes is the New Design for Cloud Computing

Clustering is always beneficial for all kinds of workloads. Spreading the loads over multiple systems or to be precise multiple CPUs is the main aim behind clustering. The best part about a cluster is that any point of time nodes can be added to the parent node and this is termed as scaling. A cluster Read more>>

Video Streaming

Will Self-Hosting be Sufficient for Video Streaming Services?

There were times when people could only use to enjoy videos through CDs, video rentals, mixtapes, or TV. With changing times the ways of video streaming have also revolved like a whole another level. With the advent of some leading protagonists in the line of video streaming field, the days of old streaming like TVs Read more>>

cloud-backup service

Working with Cloud Backups: RDS Backup With the Power of SQL Server

There were times when simple cloud storage services were more than enough for any kind of organization. But with moving times, a database of the organization has increased exponentially. Thus nowadays backups are also available in different formats and ranges. It has been generally observed that most of the organizations host their production environment on Read more>>

Carbon Neutral Hosting

Carbon Neutral Hosting: Get the Best Colocation Services While Reducing Carbon Footprint

Before this COVID-19 broadcast, the eco-system was the talk in the air everywhere. After this all gets over, we all should get back on that. The very first step towards a green environment would be shifting to carbon-free colocation services and data centers. The IT demands are as it is increasing at exponential levels and Read more>>