Fine-Tune your Cloud Environment
Enhance the scalability, rapidness of response, and cost efficiency by taking flight with the idea of Cloud Cost Optimization.
Our AWS certified engineers with years of expertise perform a detailed analysis of the complete cloud footprint, for earmarking areas for improvements and implementation of advised suitable practices.
Go4hosting is a comprehensive platform wherein users can access real-time statistics on cloud based costs, system performance, security details and myriad other processes.
Grab the Reins & Control Costs
Generally, public cloud related costs shoot out of control due to opacity and complication of cloud related providers’ billing and operating models. And, once customers ‘cloud spending bill’ has been marked up, it is quite late to address the cost framework and workload optimizations.
Our remarkable analytics allow the customer to optimize various cloud costs and, in fact, our professional insights lead the customers directly to major cost savings by providing them a complete picture of spending, ways to handle that spend better, and ways to actively minimize it.
Cost Forecasting, Today & Tomorrow
We provide our customers ‘budget management’ so that they can precisely allocate various costs over several business units, projects, cost centers, and internal divisions thus supporting ‘inter-organizational ownership’ for cloud framework spending.
Workloads Achieved with Right Resources
Our detailed analysis of previous workload patterns confirms users’ workloads attainment of the concerned outcomes. ‘Right-sized cloud instances’ reduce various risks and problems. Self-service based models enable the customers for determining allocations.
We ascertain which service levels are satisfied in accordance to various policies and precisely determine the reclaiming and reallocation of resources. Under-allocated ‘VMs’ generally confront performance related issues. These issues being resolved is critical, especially without incurring any non-essential costs.
Reduce Public Cloud Based Spending
We do not just prepare reports depending on costs, we offer actionable suggestions such that users can actively mitigate their spending:
Machine Learning-Powered Intelligence—Our Secret Sauce
We store in-depth billing data from user based public cloud accounts in association with the historical consumption data and users’ workloads. Utilizing this particular information and with analysis of the various abilities of the public cloud based providers, our forecasts can provide visibility along with control over both present day spends and upcoming costs.
Cloud Cost Experts at Your Service
Users will also receive a ‘dedicated cloud cost advisor’ who is going to utilize their years of relevant experience and provide insights into the most suitable practices for recognizing wasteful procedures, navigating several pricing models and providing many suggestions on various approaches with strategies for assuring the utilization of cloud resources.
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