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Data Center Optimization

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Data center optimization solutions refer to the programs or steps undertaken to improve efficiency of any data center’s functioning. So, data center optimization will typically entail reconfiguring the facilities to cut down resources without cutting down on functionalities. The data center is at the heart of any business infrastructure and it is responsible for storing large volumes of critical data.

For businesses which are in the service industry, this data will include important information about the buyers including the account information, purchase histories and demographics. When you have product oriented businesses, data centers will store information relating to manufacturing processes and supply chains, storage of products and inventories. Data center programs are therefore efforts to avoid adding of new hardware through better management of data and cutting down of the staff through more efficient project management.

How will data center optimization work?

In data center optimization, the focus is to implement different IT strategies like server virtualization, SOA or Service Oriented Architecture etc to improve the overall data center performance. Whenever a company implements data center optimization techniques it will not simply optimize existing resources but it will also cut down excess expenses. It will be able to use the software and hardware to the fullest efficiency and this helps it to grow better.

There are many times when a data center owns multiple servers which are not utilized. The work carried out by these servers can be consolidated into less number of servers and you can then reduce the running costs of extra servers. This means higher efficiency and this is often accompanied by virtualization where single servers are compartmentalized to create many virtual servers. So, the tasks of many servers can be easily performed by less number of servers.

How to optimize data centers

For data center optimization it is important to implement strategic decisions regarding use of hosted, on-site, co-located and cloud set-ups. You can then consolidate resources and reduce operational costs while simplifying the overall management. But, when you wish to build a hybrid model you have to look at multiple challenges. Adopting a hybrid IT model involves a lot of planning and execution. When demands for IT power increase, shortages may be experienced in power, cooling capacity and data center space. Moreover, the teams and infrastructure face a lot of pressure when it comes to delivering important IT tasks. To rationalize applications for running smoothly in the cloud, you will need special skills that may not be present in-house. This is why data center optimization becomes important. These are some ways in which data center optimization can be carried out:

  • The new technologies and software improves overall data center efficiency. With the new layers of virtualization, administrators can build vast environments which can span across many data center facilities spread all across the globe. So, businesses are no more limited by hardware requirements. This is because software-based technologies can deliver efficiencies of the highest order.
  • Hybrid clouds are becoming more and more popular because it increases data center efficiency. Organizations are now extending their data centers to the clouds for various reasons. Building links between private and public clouds has also become simpler. And this means that data center controls can now span over various cloud models where the administrators will not need to bother about the physical infrastructure. Cloud becomes a very powerful tool to optimize the data center.
  • Businesses are now open to the idea of installing data centers in many remote locations like even in Iceland. In some of these places, power supplies are much lower in cost and far more reliable than in countries like the US or Germany. Besides trying out new locations there are ways to ensure that power is being properly used. You should find out how much power is being wasted when the servers sit idle or whether your power system can downscale the resources when not required.
  • Data centers can also be optimized by improving cooling systems and other environmental conditions. You can use predicative trend analysis for understanding current and future demands. This helps to cut down costs and when you save money on environmental factors, you get more to spend on infrastructural advancements.
  • Finally, creating management transparency can help to optimize data center efficiencies. Management needs to be clear and new management systems like cloud control, automation, DCIM etc have to be brought together under a single authority. The best way to increase data center efficiency is to know what is run on which physical system. This input will help you take proactive decisions about resource allocations. You can identify areas for improvements.

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