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Benefits of Using Unmetered Dedicated Servers

When businesses are expanding significantly, data transfer costs can become exceptionally high. This is all the more so when the web hosting service provider charges you heavy fees for using up more bandwidth than what has been given to you. So, the bandwidth overage fees keep accumulating and this is extremely distressing for the server owners. The best way to prevent this from happening is to go for unmetered dedicated servers where there will be no such charges for data transfer uses.

Why are unmetered Dedicated servers beneficial?

The web hosting providers which offer these unmetered servers will not be charging you based on how much bandwidth you have used. In other words, you will have a pay up a flat monthly fee. There are two kinds of unmetered dedicated servers, namely, one where a shared connection is provided and the other which provides a dedicated connection.

What are the types of unmetered Dedicated servers?

When you have a shared hosting environment the host will offer a shared connection where many servers will be sharing one connection. So, the speed which such a connection can offer is going to be divided amongst many servers. The speed which an individual client enterprise can get will also be dependent on the number of servers which are sharing this connection.

This is undoubtedly a cost-effective solution but there will obviously be limits on the bandwidth available. For your server’s network connections the unmetered server makes you pay for the uplink speed and not for data transfer. So, you will get many benefits from unmetered servers like negligible downtimes, better security and improved cost-efficiency. When you have access to higher bandwidth it implies faster downloading speeds for your site. This is why dedicated unmetered servers will be able to meet the demands of any bandwidth-hungry application.

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Which businesses can benefit from unmetered dedicated servers?

  • When you have a website which is continuously growing you must buy an unmetered dedicated server that is equipped to meet dynamic business needs. When you have identified a web host to offer you such a server you will then need to determine the amount of bandwidth you are going to need. So, when you finally rent such a dedicated server, you will only have to pay for the Internet connection.
  • Unmetered dedicated servers are also excellent solutions for high traffic sites and blogs. This will ensure that you do not get overburdened with bandwidth overage charges. However, before you sign up for the unmetered server, you must decide between a shared and dedicated connection. To do so, you have to be well-versed with the differences between the two types and the pros and cons of each in order to make a well-informed decision.
  • Unmetered servers are also recommended for startups. This is because when you are not aware of how much traffic you are likely to get, your site can face billing trouble. When you have a flat fee instead every month and a predictable budget you will not have to worry about unprecedented costs and potential overage fees.

How unmetered servers will work:

When you get connectivity to server, you will be provided with a service which allots you a certain amount of data for each month. The unmetered server will make you pay only for the uplink speed and not data transfer. So, you can actually access a high amount of bandwidth and not exhaust your funds at the same time. So, unmetered servers will charge clients only for bandwidth they have bought. This means that he provider is going to monitor the account to make sure you have not exceeded bandwidth limits and you do not incur any overcharge. In short, you are going to be protected from being charged for extra bandwidth than what you have signed up for in the contract. When you sign up for dedicated hosting you can choose from multiple choices. So, whether it is the kind of storage you want or the amount of bandwidth you need, there will be many factors to consider. It has been seen that unmetered servers cater best to website owners and game site owners also whose bandwidth demands are not fixed. When they choose unmetered dedicated server hosting they get to save money and even enjoy many more advantages in the process.

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What are the key benefits of using unmetered servers?

  • The biggest benefit no doubt is that of flexibility. You will never have to worry about using up excess bandwidth or getting overcharged. You have therefore the flexibility to consume as much bandwidth as you require in whichever capacity you want. For example, when you run a blog you will not have to bother about cutting back on files that you are hosting or apps which you are using simply because of bandwidth concerns.
  • When you are more focused on staying within bandwidth limits you cannot optimize your site functionalities. This problem is not there with unmetered servers. So, it is ideal for blogs, ecommerce sites and gaming websites. You are free to deploy any apps you need for ensuring a smoother performance. You will therefore never have to worry about site performance getting affected due to bandwidth constraints.
  • When you use unmetered servers you can enjoy peace of mind and additional security for your website. This is because you do not have to decide between security updates and security add-ons depending on the amount of bandwidth at hand. You are free to install as many security functions and features as you like without worrying about bandwidth limitations.
  • Finally, you get to save a lot of money. When you end up using more data transfer/bandwidth than what you have actually paid for by hosting multiple websites, you can run into hefty overcharge fees. In this situation, unmetered servers are always a safer choice.

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