Ubuntu VPS - How to Get Started?

Have you got a new Ubuntu VPS? This guide will tell you how you can go forward and get started with your new Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. If you are a beginner or even an intermediate user, you'll find this guide useful. Here's the how-to guide to get started with your Ubuntu VPS -

How to Connect to VPS?

To get started, the first step involves getting connected to your VPS. If you're wondering how to get connected to the VPS hosting, you must know that there are various ways of logging in. The ways of logging in depend upon the Operating System you're using. Whether you're using Linux, Mac, or Windows, you can log in by following the instructions for your Operating System.

How to Update Server?

Once you log in to your VPS, the first thing you need to do is update your server. For updating Ubuntu Server, you can follow this command -
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade - y

Once done, all the packages of the system will be updated to the latest version. Regular update of the VPS is extremely important so that the latest version of the packages is always available to you. You may forget to update VPS due to other important business related works. To overcome this problem, you may either set a reminder for the same or set up automatic updates.
How to Secure Server?

You shouldn't start doing anything until proper server configuration is done or the server is secured. In case, you are a beginner and don't have a proper idea about either Ubuntu servers or Ubuntu security, it's best for you to go for Managed VPS services from a reliable hosting company. Their Linux administrators will secure the server properly.

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication is also written as 2FA in short. This is an important and secure authentication system where a code is sent to your phone so that you are able to log in the Ubuntu VPS server. Once you enable 2FA, other unauthorized users will be barred from logging into the server.

How to Use SSH Keys?

You can also use SSH Keys to prevent unwanted access. SSH keys need a unique private-public key combination to get access. This system must be added to your Ubuntu server to prevent unwanted access.

How to Use Strong Password?

You should use a strong password everywhere, be it the CMS, database, or client area. The password can be generated from the command line too. For every login or service, you should have different passwords. If you combine the strong password with SSH keys as well as Two-Factor Authentication, your VPS server will get maximum security and bar any kind of unauthorized access.

How to Change default SSH Port?

One of the most common reasons why the Ubuntu VPS servers get attacked is the inability of most users to change the default SSH port, which is 22. It's the most common port and if not changed at the time of setting up, the server remains vulnerable to attack. To prevent an attack, you should not use the default 22 SSH port. Changing the port will only take you a few minutes time.

How to Set Up Firewall?

Setting up a firewall will give the first line of security to your Ubuntu server. You can either use iptables or UFW to secure the firewall. If you are a newbie in VPS server management, you can easily opt for a managed VPS server solution and let the server management experts take care of the firewall setup of the server. From preventing SSH, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and others from brute force attack, you can also use fail2ban. You can also secure your entire LEMP stack.

How to Use SSL Certificate for Website?

Using SSL certificate on websites not only gives an extra layer of authentication and security to the website but also gives you better ranking in the Google Search Engine (as because it's considered as an important ranking factor by Google). Your website's trust factor gets a boost by using SSL Certificate. Once done, redirect your site traffic from HTTP to HTTPS.

How to Backup your Server?

Taking the backup of work on a regular basis is extremely important. If something goes wrong, you can use the backup and get started again from where you ended work. You can either go for manual Ubuntu VPS backup or an automated one.

How to Set Up Monitoring?

You can either use apps or free server monitoring services of your hosting company to set up and carry out server monitoring services.

How to Use a Control Panel?

You can either use the default control panel of Ubuntu Linux VPS or get a control panel such as cPanel or DirectAdmin (which gives you a GUI) for managing VPS. Alternative open source control panels are also available but it's recommended to avoid them.

How to Set Up a Mail Server?

Setting up a mail server is a long and arduous work that needs frequent configuring as well as monitoring on a constant basis. Setting up mail server can be done through the use of Mail-In-a-Box or PostfixAdmin. As you get complete root access in a managed Ubuntu VPS solution, you can install any software of your choice.

How to Install an (S)FTP server

Installation of either FTP server or secure FTP (which is called SFTP) is done absolutely free of cost because of the open source nature. It's also easy to set up. For FTPP users, it's always recommended to use a strong password.
How to install applications needed by you?

You can check reliable Ubuntu VPS hosting services for installing any application of your choice. Always configure and optimize the applications for the best result.


Once you've completed all the above-mentioned steps, you are ready to get started with Ubuntu VPS.

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