This section describes how to connect to MySQL login command line for the server by using the command-line options. These options help in specifying how to establish connections to the MySQL server for clients.
There are different ways of connecting to MySQL Server. You can connect to MySQL Server through MySQL Client, dbForge Studio for MySQL, and MySQL Workbench.
For information on establishing connections to the MySQL login command line, let�s dive into detail.
Different ways of connecting the MySQL login command line for servers
Here in this write-up, we consider each MySQL login command line method in detail.
Connecting to MySQL server by using the MySQL Command-Line Client
Connecting to MySQL server by using the MySQL dbForge Studio
Connecting to MySQL server by using MySQL Workbench
Method # 1: Connecting to MySQL Server By Using the MySQL Command-Line Client
Step1: Locate the MySQL Command-Line Client
Usually, MySQL server is installed with a console client for working with databases. You need to go to the MySQL command line available in the Start menu on Windows.
Keep in mind, that the client is installed in two versions � with or without the support of Unicode.

Step 2: Run the client
When you run the client on MySQL login command Line for servers, the command prompt window opens up with a message to enter a password.

Step 3: Enter your password
Here, you need to do the MySQL login Command line by entering the password. It is the same password that was set by you for the root user during the MySQL installation.
After a successful connection, you see a window like this:

Step 4: Get a list of databases
Now, to get a list of databases, you need to enter the show databases command MySQL Server.

Step 5: Create a database
After that, create a new database by using the create database command.

Step 6: Select the database you want to use
If you want to connect to a particular MySQL database, at the command prompt window of MySQL, type the use database command. With that mention the database name you want to use.

Step 7: Create a table and insert data
Now, create a table by using the create table command. After that, insert data into the table by using the insert query for MySQL.

Step 8: Finish working with the MySQL Command-Line Client
Once you completed your work, you can exit from the MySQL client by typing quit at the prompt and pressing Enter.
Method # 2: Connecting to MySQLlogin command line by using dbForge Studio
dbForge Studio is an all-inclusive premium GUI tool for MySQL.It allows you to develop, manage, and administer MySQL databases in a feature-rich environment. By using dbForge Studio for MySQL, you can smoothly and swiftly set up a remote database connection as well as connect to your local server.
To connect to MySQL login command line for MySQL Server by using Studio for MySQL:
Step1: Open Database Connection Properties
Firstly, open the dialog box of Database Connection Properties in one of the following ways:
Click the New Connection available on the Database menu
You can open it from the Connection toolbar by clicking the New Connection button.

Step 2: Select Connection Type
After opening the new connection, choose the type of connection from the Type box. There are two types of connections are available: TCP/IP and Named pipe.
Step 3: Enter host name
Now, enter the host name in the Host box.
Step 4: Enter Port Information
For a TCP/IP type of connection, enter the port detail in the Port box. The default port number is 3306. For a Named pipe type of connection, you need to enter the pipe name in the Pipe box.
Step 5: Enter log in details
In this step, you need to enter the login credentials in the available fields - User and Password.
Step 6: Select the database
In the Database field, select the name of the database to which you want to connect.
Step 7: Generate connection name
In this step, from the host name the Connection Name will be generated automatically. However, in case of requirement, you can also open to creating a distinctive name for your new connection.

Step 8: Configure advanced connection properties
Actually, this step is an optional step.
You can select �Advanced� tab to configure advanced connection properties. On this tab, you can specify Connection timeout and Execute timeout values in seconds.
In this step, you can select the Encoding type from a drop-down list. You can select any check box to enable any of them, the Detect MySQL character set, Use compression, and Keep connection alive options.

Step 9: Go to the Security tab
This step is also not a mandatory one. To configure security properties you can click the Security tab. You can set up SSL or SSH security properties through this tab.

Step 10: HTTP Tab
You can configure HTTP tunnel properties by going to the HTTP tab.

Step 11: Test Connection
To verify that you can access MySQL login command line for Server by using the connection information you�ve specified, click the Test Connection button available in the left corner of the dialog box.
Step 12: Create connection
Click OK to create the connection.
dbForge Studio for MySQL gives more control over connection configuration. It also offers a straightforward and simple method to connect to MySQL Server.
Method # 3: Connecting to MySQL Using MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench is a tool popular among developers, database architects, and DBAs.
To access MySQL login command line by using Workbench:
Step 1: Run MySQL Workbench.
First of all run MySQL Workbench
Step 2: Connect to the database
Go to the Database menu and click the Connect to Database option.
Otherwise, click the plus icon that appears next to MySQL Connections label.

Step 3: Enter connection details
In the appearing window of Connect to Database, define the Connection name as well as provide the host name, port, and user values.

Step 4: Configure SSL
This step is optional, but if you want to proceed you need to go to the SSL tab to configure SSL connection settings.

Step 5:Advanced connection
To configure the advanced connection settings, you need to go to the Advanced tab.

Step 6: Test Connection
For checking the parameters that you�ve entered, you need to click the Test Connection. Once you are sure with all the specific credentials then click the �OK� button.
Step 7: Enter password
To connect to MySQL server, enter a password.

Step 8: Completion
Once you�ve successfully connected to MySQL Server, you will be able to see a list of databases on the left.