
Things SMEs Ought to Check When Choosing VPS Hosting

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the most benefited from VPS hosting because this web hosting solution allows them to enjoy almost all the benefits of dedicated hosting minus the high costs. But, at the same time, SMEs need to be careful when choosing a VPS hosting provider. It is natural for businesses to get carried Read more>>


What Are The Benefits Of Choosing Windows VPS Hosting Over Other Hosting Solutions

If your website has grown in size in recent times and unable to meet the traffic surge efficiently, it is time to move away from shared hosting to VPS or virtual private server hosting. In VPS hosting, many websites are hosted on a single large server but it is different from shared hosting as each Read more>>


Reviewing Major Attributes of Dedicated and VPS Hosting

There are three basic types of traditional hosting including dedicated server hosting, shared hosting, and VPS hosting. Considering all important parameters of hosting such as performance, customizability and price, we can position shared hosting on the lowest rung of the web hosting ladder. If you are looking for a superior option than shared hosting in Read more>>

Enterprise Virtualization- Understanding Relevance of Key Areas

Enterprise Virtualization- Understanding Relevance of Key Areas

Virtualization is a highly beneficial process for reducing enterprise IT costs by allowing business of every size to enhance agility and efficiency. Virtualization enables enterprises to use a single machine for running multiple operating systems as well as applications. It also helps reduce number of servers by consolidation of hardware yet achieve greater productivity. With Read more>>

Key Aspects of Moving Enterprise Email from One Service Provider to Another

Key Aspects of Moving Enterprise Email from One Service Provider to Another

Whenever critical email data associated with any business has to be moved from one account to another, the process is referred to as email migration. In many situations it becomes necessary to migrate email account including need to upgrade existing platform or version. Email migration is a common feature of mergers and acquisitions. Since migration Read more>>

Economical and Other Advantages of Cloud OpEx Model

Economical and Other Advantages of Cloud OpEx Model

Traditional model of on premise IT infrastructure helped enterprises maintain their data in close proximity for better security and privacy. There cannot be any doubt about the fact that on premise model offered assured security of business critical data. However there is an extremely high CapEx attached with this arrangement since the enterprises ended up Read more>>

Top 5 Reasons You Shall Colocate your Servers in India

Top 5 Reasons You Shall Colocate your Servers in India

Prima facie, colocation services are as good as a commodity because these involve nothing more than a data center that provides connectivity and space to store clients’ servers. Since data centers are available everywhere, choosing a data center based on location need not be a matter of concern, unless of course you dig deeper. We Read more>>

Choose Dedicated Email Hosting for Efficient and Secure Business Email Communications

One of the distinct advantages of web hosting plans is availability of free email inbox facility along with the hosting package. The facility provides excellent convenience of managing website as well as email accounts right from the web control panel. It needs to be understood that core objective of web hosting plans is for hosting Read more>>

Understanding Virtualization Benefits with Focus on Increase in Bandwidth Availability

Cloud computing is the latest buzz in IT circles therefore it is not surprising for many IT infrastructures to adopt virtualization since it is considered as a step towards future adoption of cloud. Virtualization is an extremely cost effective approach to increase bandwidth in addition to explore a wide spectrum of newly available management services. Read more>>

Key Questions about Effectiveness of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

CDN or Content Delivery Network boosts availability and distribution of content by placing networks of servers at strategic locations in accordance with target audience. CDN is aimed at enhancing browsing experience by accelerating speed of content delivery and reducing loading times for assured availability. In order to improve overall understanding of Content Delivery Networks, following Read more>>

Key Aspects of IaaS that Facilitate Growth of Cloud Adoption

Among the three basic cloud hosting service models, Infrastructure as a Service has contributed significantly to overall growth of cloud adoption in 2016. In fact IaaS has registered the highest rate of growth and is poised to continue the growth spell in the year 2017 also. IaaS as offers support to SaaS Infrastructure as a Read more>>

Right Hosting for WordPress – Choosing from Shared, VPS, Dedicated or Cloud

Multiplicity in types of hosting can make the job of finding the right option to host a WordPress site quite overwhelming. However the sheer variety of options facilitates choice of an appropriate solution that perfectly matches your requirements. Although one’s own Linux based server can nicely cater to your WordPress requirements. However, it may be Read more>>

Reviewing Multiple Advantages of Moving to Enterprise IT to IaaS

Cloud adoption is an important topic of discussion across many organizations irrespective of industry verticals. Cloud based Infrastructure as a Service is very much on the agenda of 83 percent CIOs who value cloud as an effective alternative to traditional IT infrastructure. Importance of IaaS The shift is certainly tilting towards ‘renting’ rather than ‘buying’ Read more>>

Understanding Significance of CDN Solutions

CDN Solutions: It is now possible to reach content across large geographical locations to place content closer to users for faster distribution and greater availability. This is achieved by using Content Delivery Networks that provide multiple server nodes to download static content including JavaScript or images. Cloud CDN, By extending availability of such server nodes Read more>>

Government of India to Drive Its Cloud Services with 11 Cloud Services Including CyFuture, IBM, and Microsoft

The recent announcement by government to provisionally empanel eleven cloud service provider firms such as Microsoft, IBM, CyFuture and the state sponsored BSNL underlines CyFuture’s extensive capabilities as an established cloud provider. Indian cloud hosting companies The other companies who have been shortlisted for the empanelment as cloud providing agencies are Tata Communications, Microsoft Corporation, Read more>>