Shared web hosting also commonly referred to as virtual hosting service or derive host is the most economical type of shared hosting. It withholds many benefits for the businesses such as cost – efficacy, consistency etc.
In this type of web server hosting service, numerous websites are usually hosted on a single-point server that is connected to the Internet. All these different websites share the common disk space and bandwidth associated with the same server. Though, these sites are situated distinctly in separate locations on the same server to keep it detached from other sites. This is the popular form of hosting, as it facilitates the sharing of the complete cost related to the server maintenance and other such expenses amongst the various websites that share the common web space, thereby making it reasonable and efficient.
Shared web hosting, like any other form of hosting services, has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest advantage and the basic reason behind the popularity of this web hosting service is its cost effectiveness. It is the most reasonable in comparison to the other premium hosting services available in the market. However, the main disadvantage attached to it is the absence of security for data and information on the server.