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Cloud Load Balancers

Cloud load balancers help to manage online traffic through distribution of workloads across a variety of servers and resources. Cloud load balancing in other words distributes client requests across many servers which run in a cloud hosting environment. Like load balancing in general, the cloud load balancers maximize reliability and application performance. They prevent overloading so that the users can enjoy a flawless experience. Rapid spikes in online demands can challenge even the most efficient website. This means that while online sales are going on, even the smallest outage can cost you thousands of dollars.


Is it possible to have a cloud load balancer on dedicated server?

No. We are dealing with cloud load balancer. While there could be other balancers especially made for physical servers, cloud load balancers are not going to be effective with a dedicated server.


Why are load balancers needed?

Suppose, you have 50 people working in your company. The employees may have different duties and different work KRAs. But two people in the same position in the same department should have identical duties and identical workloads.

You would not want one employee to put all the efforts and the other to sit idle all day. This is the ideology behind load balancers in cloud. When the load is uniformly distributed, system performance sees considerable surge.

Balancing not only eradicates unnecessary load from a server, it also distributes computing equally among server.


Cloud with load balancer vs without load balancer

With load balancer your website will see a significant increase in uptime availability. Second, there are multiple servers at the task so processes will open and complete quickly.


The Takeaway – should you have a cloud load Balancer

Cloud balancing scores over traditional load balancing because of the low costs and the simplicity in scaling applications downwards or upwards to cater to the fall or rise in demands. Unlike Domain Name System or DNS balancing that needs hardware or software for this task, cloud balancing makes use of services provided by computer network companies. It can send loads to servers across the globe instead of distributing it to local servers. So when a local outage occurs, cloud balancers can deliver data for users to the nearest local server without interrupting the business of the users. The power to host applications in different could hubs improves reliability; for instance, if a snowstorm were to hit northeastern US, cloud load balancers can shift the traffic away from the cloud resources there to those hosted in some other parts of the country.


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