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Blogger Or WordPress – Which Do I Choose?

If you want to set up a standard blog or want to enhance your presence via a website, the era of hand-coding HTML pages has come to an end.

All you need to do now is install a CMS or content management system and in no time you can launch a website that has comprehensive content (including graphics and images) and instantly share with the world.

Before you make a start however, an assortment of CMSs beckons you to make a choice.

The CMSs that are most popular include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Blogger.

Presently we shall limit our discussion to the merits and demerits of Blogger and WordPress, because these two top the list in popularity.

But first, here are some basics about these two content management systems.



Blogger, a publishing service was developed initially by Pyra Labs and subsequently taken over by Google in 2003. As part of revamp in 2006, all blogs linked with user’s Google account were migrated to Google servers. The objective was to make the service far more reliable.

To keep up with the times, Blogger has launched mobile applications for users having smartphones. This promotion has enabled users to post and edit blogs, and share content via their mobile devices.

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However, there was disturbing news for Indian bloggers a few years ago

The country’s Internet Service Providers blocked more than a dozen websites on government orders. The reasons cited include threats to the sovereignty and integrity of India, as well as security concerns. Some of the blocked sites were from

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WordPress is An open source CMS licensed under GPLv2, which in effect means it is free to use and free to modify.

The first version of WordPress was launched by Matt Mullenweg in the year 2003. Within a couple of years, WordPress got better by incorporating Pages, comment moderation tools, and new default themes.

In 2010, Automattic , the company launched by co-founder of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg transferred the ownership of the trademark to the WordPress Foundation, a charitable organization , which is having an objective to further the WordPress Open Source project.

According to the Foundation, their aim is to create a stable platform for web publishing for generations to come.

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A latest report says WordPress is used by approximately 27 percent of all websites with a market share of a little over 59 percent.

Blogger on the other hand has 2.5 percent market share.

What is the reason for the runaway popularity of WordPress?

Is it truly superior to Blogger in all or many respects?

Here is an attempt to compare the two.


Blogger is owned by the giant Google. It is free and dependable for most part and good enough to publish content of most users.

It must however be remembered that Blogger is not owned by you as Google runs the service. While there are no risks as such, the owner can at anytime shut it down or prevent access to you for any reason whatsoever.

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On the other hand with WordPress you need a hosting provider to host your site. You can decide the tenure of the site, control access of the content to users or third party in whichever way you want.


WordPress offers you scores of free and premium themes stirring the artistic ambiance in you. Blogger on the other hand has only a limited set of templates. Nevertheless, Blogger allows you to change the colors and tones of the templates with a set of tools, but you cannot create your own template.


In case you decide to change your blogging platform, moving your website from Blogger can be a thorny task.

WordPress allow you flexibility. You can relocate your website to a new host, change domain name or even move it to a new content management system.

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On this count there is nothing to choose between the two as both are very secure. Google’s strong security platform is well-known and WordPress has a good name as well.


WordPress boasts that it has an edge here, driven mainly by its active community support system.

In case of a query, you can get help from experienced WordPress users and developers.

The concluding voice

The above arguments must not make the reader feel that this article is biased toward WordPress.

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Blogger scores over WordPress if:

• you are not too choosy as regards the design of your blog
• you are not interested to pay for web hosting. Yes, offers free hosting, but the limitations can mar your intentions, because they do not allow you to put up ads. So here we are talking only about

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Here is a piece of information. If you are serious about your visibility on the web and want a custom domain, both Blogger and WordPress offer you this option.

At the end of the day, it is you who have to take into considerations various pros and cons.

Go4hosting is a leading WordPress hosting provider in India, please contact us for more information on hosting plans call 1800-212-2022 (Toll Free).

About Chhaya Jaiswal (54 Posts)

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