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E-commerce Platform

Understanding Superiority of Magento as Unequalled E-commerce Platform

Magento is one of the most sought after e-commerce platforms across the globe and it is also evident from the fact that more than 25 percent of all global ecommerce sites are powered by Magento. It is quite a commendable achievement due to a wide spectrum of ecommerce applications that are being poured into the fray, day in and day out.

There is virtually an explosion of plug and play ecommerce platforms that can to serve to any ecommerce platform that can possibly thought of. Magento continues to be popular in the face of such as breakneck competition and there are solid reasons for its popularity among developers of ecommerce sites.


Robust open source community

Among the three editions of Magento including the free Magento Community Edition, paid Magento Enterprise Edition, and hosted and paid Magento Go, the most sought after is its community edition that enjoys support of vast and possibly the largest and most vibrant developer community in the ecommerce domain.

Magento can be tweaked to improve its compatibility with your website. Developers usually prefer to access Magento Connect, the largest ecommerce app resource, for choosing and installing fascinating ecommerce extensions to add to functionalities of your store.

Thanks to the unrelenting efforts by its lively community, Magento is consistently updated to keep your site secure from the ecommerce point of view. In order to elevate your store’s security quotient, you are free to opt for the enterprise edition that complies with PCI Data Security Standard and provides a Secure Payment Gateway. Users can also access community for resolving technical issues or for troubleshooting.

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Exclusively built for ecommerce

Magento has been originally designed as a purely ecommerce platform unlike its rivals that are developed as Content Management Platforms with added ecommerce functionalities via plugins.

It facilitates creation of ecommerce sites with a large offering of unique ecommerce features including, inventory management, customer segmentation, advanced management of suppliers and shipping, capabilities of up-selling and cross-selling, customer segmentation, and user dashboards to name a few.

Choice of selecting hosting services

Users are free to choose hosting services of their choice for Magento hosting platform for their ecommerce ventures. This way, they can opt for the most cost effective and suitable hosting service provider of their choice. The flexibility of selecting hosts is also significant while migrating from one host to another. In addition, you are also offered choice of a hosted platform with availability of Magento Go edition.

Grow your site without feeling a pinch

It is very common for ecommerce platform to levy additional charges, whenever any new feature is being added. However, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that Magento ecommerce platform is totally devoid of such incremental charges. You can continue to grow your sites by adding more and more features without having to pay any additional charges. Users are also able to enjoy freedom of adding as many products as they wish on any given page without feeling a pinch of additional expenditure.

Access third party apps with ease

Every ecommerce merchant feels that the site should be made richer and simpler by integrating ready to use third party apps for enhancing functionalities. Most of the available ecommerce platforms cannot provide such freedom to users, since it is in the hands of service provider to enable such third party apps. Magento puts you in total control with its extensive API that facilitates empowers you to add apps of your choice without any hassles.

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No two ecommerce sites can be designed identically. This is due to the fact that every ecommerce store has its unique requirements and what is right for an online property vendor may not be suitable for a fashion retailer. There are multiple differentiating factors including size of the store, scale of operations, client service and so forth.

Magento understands the significance of modularity and customizability of ecommerce platform for creating right environment for managing diverse categories of online ventures. It also goes one step ahead and allows you to mould it to your satisfaction with right coding smarts. You can access its modularization capabilities for enhancing visitor experience by creating elegant front end layouts. It also allows redesigning backend workflows with code rewriting and modification of grids and events.

Blazing fast performance

Your ecommerce site must load within a short span of 2 seconds to make sure that most of the visitors are browsing your shop. It is observed that almost half of the people abandon their search if the site does not load within two seconds. Magento is a high performance platform that not only loads swiftly but also allows page caching, fast retrieval of data and instant processing of queries to name a few.

Mobile and SEO friendly

Magento is seamlessly optimized for all types of screens including smart phones. It offers drag and drop features, audio capabilities, and more for an enhanced shopping experience by using smart phones.

Magento boosts your SEO efforts by offering a powerful source code that consists of in-built features such as meta tags, URL rewrites, site maps, and SEO optimized URLs among others.

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Supports operation of multiple websites

With help of a single backend of Magento ecommerce platform, users are free to operate multiple websites. Magento offers amazing freedom to create websites on different domains, different layouts, designs and more. If you are planning to operate in different categories this feature of Magento is perfect for you.

Explore overseas markets

Magento offers remarkable support for ecommerce sites that wish to explore trans-continental markets by providing facility to operate in multiple currencies and diverse tax categories. Users are also provided support for developing sites in different languages for enhancing shopping experience of overseas customers.

Magento ecommerce platform is for serious ecommerce merchants that are looking for a robust and long term platform for their ambitious venture. It may not be easy to build the site without any coding language. However, its lively community ensures that developers are supported with expert advice anytime they feel. Unlike a plethora of plug and play options Magento does not believe in fleecing users as they start growing progressively.

Go4hosting is leading Magento Service provider in India; helps you in hosting your hadoop application on Cloud Hosting Servers. Mail us your queries at [email protected] 

About Pooja Tyagi (24 Posts)

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