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Tips for Choosing Best Theme Design for Magento Ecommerce Store

Magento hosting has become a rage among the start-ups and the well established ecommerce stores. That’s why most new ecommerce sites as well as the ones that need revamping are looking for Magento ecommerce stores. In both the case, customized theme designs are required for standing out of the numerous others available. Therefore, you have to choose the right ecommerce site design theme and this is where the real catch is. You will find loads of good design companies or freelance Magento developers and designers. However, not everyone is suitable for you. That’s why you need guidance and tips to make the right choice. This blog post will try to provide you the right tips on choosing quality e-store theme design services.

choosing-ecommerce-magento-themeHere are the important tips that can help you choose the right Magento hosted ecommerce store:

1 – Always Check Online Store Theme Company’s Portfolio

It is not possible to understand the extent of creativity or applicability of the designer company as per specific business needs until and unless you start dealing with them. However, you have to decide which company is better suited in dealing with your ecommerce design needs before actually dealing with them. One of the easiest ways of doing it is to check out their portfolio of works done by them for their earlier customers. Even if a company is making tall claims, the portfolio will let you know the expertise thGFmagey have in customized ecommerce design. Design is not about looking good or attractive. It is all about creating the right aesthetics, call to actions, and other design ingredients so that they make your ecommerce customers are tempted to buy the goods or services showcased on the Magento hosted ecommerce site.

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2 –  How does the Website Design Company’s Site look like?

To assess the credibility of online theme design service provider, check the provider’s own site. Check out whether they are themselves including revenue generating theme designs, user centric design, and contemporary theme designs in their own site. If they are, these are not the big mouthed organizations.

3 – Is the company offering Quality Theme Design?

Is the company or the designer experienced enough to work on your ecommerce site? 4 basic things need to be there in a designer company and they are experience, creativity, customization, and experimental, and contemporary.

4 – Search for Visual Effect

As Magento hosting based ecommerce sites are required to catch attention of shopper’s eyeballs, visual effects matters a lot. This is because of the fact that first impression makes lots of differences. As ecommerce stores vary from one another, so do the needs of aesthetics and visual effects.

• Now, let’s consider the example of handmade products. In this case, application of pastel gamut as well as willowy lines in Magento themes can be extremely effective in terms of visual effects and attraction parameters.

• In case, you have an ecommerce store of urban clothing, usage of block colours and bold letters will surely make the difference.

Always check the themes in the service provider’s portfolio to get an initial idea about the company’s extent of credibility. Also ask the service provider about the specific thematic aspects that they are planning to include in their theme design. Inquire about the specific visual effect aspects that they are planning to include in the design. All these information will help you gauge the creative aspect they are going to bring in for your ecommerce site thematic design.

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5 – Are they capable of providing you with User Friendly Interface?

Just having a stunning ecommerce website design is not enough for a Magento hosting based ecommerce website, it is the user friendly interface that convinces the shoppers to make the buying decision. Some of the important user friendly interface points that can win the race for any ecommerce site are a good navigation system, sticky shopping cart, handy Back-to-Top button, auto-hide menu panel, and many more. The more interactive a site is in accordance with the needs of the ecommerce shoppers, better is the conversion rate of visitors to customers. That’s why user friendliness of a site is extremely important.

6 –  Which kind of Design is preferable – Classic or Trendy?

Whether an ecommerce store entrepreneur will go for classic design or a trendy one depends upon the industry and average personal preferences of customers of that vertical. If you belong to the digital products domain, your ecommerce design should be trendier. If the industry is fashion based, slick and clean should the design feature. If you are selling ethnic clothing line, classic look will be more appealing to the target audience.

These are the top 6 tips that you may follow to pick up the best theme design service for your Magento hosting based ecommerce site.

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