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Web Hosting Important for Bloggers

Is Web Hosting Important for Bloggers in 2020?

Blog hosting is a trending term these days. It is like any other web hosting but only served for a specific purpose. There are some websites that feature regular updates that may be in the form of individual entries or posts. Although blogging has become such an easy peasy task, still setting up a proper blog channel can be hectic. The task of blog set up can be an overwhelming task irrespective of the presence of such multiple blogging platform options.

blogging platform options

A blog is a short form for weblog that refers to any website that is involved in maintaining time to time update in the chronicle of information. Hence a blog is very much different from your regular websites. This is why to start with blogging has a whole new set of prerequisites and following this guide will help you in setting up your own blog successfully.

A web resource published on WWW that consists of discrete and informal diary style entries called posts A collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server.
Content is updated regularly Content is static and does not change regularly
Informal Formal and professional
Contains informative and educational posts Content changes depending on the type
Usually developed with WordPress, Magento, etc. Developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, etc.

The pattern of blogging follows the reversed chronological order wherein the latest content appears first on the screen. These blog contents are popularly known as “blog posts”. As they are typically run by an individual or a set of individuals and can also present their information in the form of a conversation. But these days people have geared up with their blogging game and have come up with thought-leadership style content. Readers or viewers can easily comment in the comments section and easily submit their responses. Now since blogging is such a different game from normal website, thus requires special type of hosting platform.

Some things are always very difficult to decide in the initial days. One of these is deciding for the best suitable blogging platform. There are so many out there and each of them with their own set of features that will make you end up in confusion. For situations like these it is always preferred to list your requirements such as bandwidth, frequency of your blogging, reach, etc.

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Things to look for in a blogging platform

Things to look for in a blogging platform

Although the market is flowing with an ample amount of blogging platforms, still it is always so difficult to find that one that is suitable for all your requirements. For this it is preferred to list down your requirements and your expectations from the blogging platform you would choose. Also once working on a specific blogging platform makes it difficult to switch to the other in future. Thus, flexibility is something that is very much crucial for your blogging.

Starting with a wrong platform can prove to be a very drastic decision for your blogging career.

It is always suggested to select a blogging platform keeping in mind that your blogging can turn out to be monetary in the future. So, to avoid any delays in the blogging business one should be pre-prepared. There is no harm in keeping your assets ready before hand.

One of the very important factors while choosing your blog hosting platform should be to keep in mind the amount of money you are ready to invest. There are many free blogging platforms available wherein you need not to worry about the investment. But at the same time there are many blogging platforms that are very expensive due to the additional features. The differences like availability of limited templates and no provision to ignore those unnecessary ads that pop up. If you are all ok with those uncalled ads and do not want multiple template option then these free blogging platforms are the best suitable one’s for you. The best part about these blogging platforms is that you no need to have any technical knowledge. Their easy to use interface makes it so easy to work with even with limited technical skills.

Benefits of paid blog hosting platform

But for the bloggers who are planning of earning a supplemental income out of their blogging skills, it is preferred to go for paid blog hosting. When subscribed to a paid blog hosting account you can chose your own domain and domain name. Not only this you can customize your blog as and when required.

Running ads on your blogging channel will also be totally up to you. You can run as many ads you want and earn money out of them. The whole income generated through these ads will go into your account. Thus, there is no concept of intermediary income earned by your blog hosting provider. With the help of these ads you can easily moderate the amount of traffic and can accommodate even more.

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Most of these paid blogging come with one-click installation feature along with world-class blogging software. So, no more worries, once the payment is done you are all set to blog up in a few simple clicks.

Core blog hosting features

Core blog hosting features

A good blog hosting can be called a good one only when it comprises all of these essential features. An adequate blog hosting platform will never compromise on any of these to lose any of its potential customers.

These features are-

  1. Staunch scripting support-Turning a fully featured CMS to just a blog then you will be needing more core features. High traffic blog (I.e. getting millions of hits per month) asks for a solid scripting support. This is the advantage with most of the good paid blog hosting platforms that they come up with world-class scripting support. With the help of a solid scripting, complexities decline at an exponential level. So, one can consider scripting support as a foundation of a blogging platform.
    Selecting the right scripting language is equally important. Generally, people get confused between PHP and Asp.Net.

PHP VS Asp.Net

Here is a quick differentiation –


Open source Open source
blogs/forums blogs/forums
Uses Netbeans or any other text editor Uses visual studio mono as a development tool
Linux Windows Windows
Updates monthly Updates every 2 months
Usually free Costly with advanced tools
  1. Solid database support- Most of the bloggers have a very limited knowledge of the kind of database they may require for their blogging business. A typical blogging business goes like-
  • First to register as an author of the blog
  • Writing an article and then posting it
  • On the user’s part, they should be able to view a post, comment and like it

These are some basic requirements for any blogging business. The database should be such that it can easily manage one to many relationships. A blogging website is a data-driven website and depends on factors to support an ample amount of data. There will be times when the whole data center model will need a change to support the overflowing data. The SQL approach for the blogging websites wherein the authors do not expect many uncalled changes is meant to be the best. Why so? Because it keeps your data consistent. Using a NoSQL database model is also sufficient if there are no tricky reports to handle. But it is always suggested to be ready beforehand because you cannot expect the exact traffic and the bulkiness of the data that your website will be loaded with.

  1. Storage space and bandwidth– Bandwidth is about the number of visitors that your website might experience. Although only 1 or 2% of the websites present over the web hosting need more than 5GB of a bandwidth per month. Only the websites that are more of an image-driven or are a video streaming website then definitely will demand more monthly bandwidth.
A good page loading time is very crucial for the success of your blogging business. This can only be achieved by very satisfactory monthly bandwidth range.

A good page loading time is very crucial for the success of your blogging business. This can only be achieved by very satisfactory monthly bandwidth range.

Some of the bandwidth providers might overwhelm you with unlimited bandwidth benefits. But for initial days it is mostly unnecessary. Storage or disk space is completely dependent on your web server hosting provider and the content of your blogging website. On average a single web hosting page needs around 1-2 MB that sums up to 150 MB overall. According to the experts, the page above 2MB has difficulty with the loading times and thus results in a very bad experience. So, the summary is that one needs to take into consideration all the factors and requirements but do not have to go all crazy when it comes to bandwidth and disk space.

  1. Easy one-click install–
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The blog hosting platform should provide incredibly easy to get started with the installation process. You will only get this with a quality hosting plan. The best part is that all of this you get with minimal technical knowledge. The one-click process is quick and painless at the same time. The domain name should be easy to read, short, and creative enough that will make you different from the others.

Once you are all set with all the prerequisites, scale up with your blogging. Search for all the alternatives before selecting the appropriate blog hosting provider. You will not get to know and in no time your blogging website will turn into a business website. We hope we helped you in choosing the best possible blog hosting platform.

About Swapnil Shukla (20 Posts)

Swapnil is a content writer working with the SEO team at Go4hosting. She has completed her graduation in engineering from Noida. She happens to be an automobile enthusiast and her hobbies include dancing, surfing and exploring new things.

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