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Dedicated Server – Easing Out Your Traffic

If you are a small firm, or a start-up company aiming to establish your name as a brand in the market, shared server will work just fine for you. Shared server hosting offers a low-cost solution to organizations, as the server is shared by a number of websites. But as you start receiving high traffic on your site, switching to a dedicated server is a sensible idea. Despite its high-cost, it’s profitable to the companies as it offers a wide range of benefits

  • Reliability It’s reliable as your server isn’t shared by any other site. There is no service degradation reported and downtime is zero to minimal
  • Administrative Access You get the root access to install applications or software. You can perform all sorts of modifications or customizations as per the requirement
  • Safe Storage It is challenging to maintain a server in your company premises. Server has to be kept in a temperature controlled environment and away from moisture. It also takes up a lot of space, hence demanding a separate room. This might not be affordable to small organizations. Going for dedicated server hosting, solves this issue

In a nutshell, dedicated servers are suitable for high-end users getting high-traffic on their sites

About Rohit Paul (10 Posts)

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