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Cloud Culture Boosts Maturing of Cloud Solutions

Expectations from IT leaders as well as the teams under them to contribute to larger issues that can improve organization’s business prospects were on the cards for a long time. However technological limitations restricted capabilities of IT personnel to rise above the mundane tasks that related to maintaining IT capabilities of the organization.

The status quo has been challenged effectively with emergence of cloud computing that has empowered IT teams with potential to facilitate business and improve its bottom-line. Introduction of cloud as a supportive resource for enterprise IT infrastructure resulted in new breeds of IT teams that were being referred to as cloud people. It took hardly a year for cloud to spread its influence from in-house IT facilities into board-rooms of the organizations.


Proliferation of cloud services

Cloud has been able to quickly spread its clout with introduction of multiple forms of its models including private, public, and hybrid cloud to name a few. Cloud enjoys the highest level of popularity among all modern technologies and has been able to establish itself quickly in a multitude of organizations.

In terms of spending, cloud services India need to further mature before their costs could be comparable with conventional hosting models. Cloud solutions have however transformed the way IT infrastructure of enterprises operates. It should be noted that there is no effect of cloud adoption leading to shrinking of IT teams.

On the contrary the headcount in IT infrastructure is gaining specialized skills and are growing to some extent according to majority of respondents. Growth in adoption of cloud service models is certainly influencing the composition of IT teams and there is increase in number of specialists with a relative decrease in number of generalists.

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Enterprise IT infrastructure needs more number of skilled technicians with proficiency in design, architecture, business applications, and security. As a consequence number of individuals with routine skills including patching or provisioning will continue to reduce.

Emergence of cloud culture

Impact of cloud culture on business prospects and overall profitability of organization is revolutionizing the way businesses are being operated rather than change in IT management. This is further underlined in a study by Freedom Dynamics that highlights only 15 percent of respondents that adopted cloud were driven by aim to save costs while the rest embraced cloud for more profound advantages.

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For 31 percent respondents, balancing of the value and cost management were responsible for cloud adoption and 23 percent had been attracted to cloud due the value of cloud technology. The study emphasizes the fact that enterprises are adopting cloud for accomplishment of a wide array of management priorities ranging from need for a better technology to managing various IT related risks.

One must learn from startup organizations that could rapidly adopt cloud computing to gain remarkable agility and control during the process of business growth and enterprise development. The important reason why startups embrace cloud computing so enthusiastically is the absence of any upfront infrastructure related investment.

One must appreciate startups for development of new age IT leadership as well as members of the team that are suitable for the present economy. These teams are adept in balancing technology expertise as well as business needs in spite their lack of in-depth technical expertise that is the forte of teams from traditional hosting. They are an excellent expertise of closing the gap between IT delivery and business requirements.

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Cloud service providers are also effectively contributing to facilitate shift from traditional web hosting to sophisticated cloud based solutions while ensuring that their investments are justified due to cloud adoption.

Unique attributes of cloud culture enable businesses to depend upon cloud service providers in India who have gained immense expertise to support on-site IT infrastructure with help of a plethora of cloud service models. During the initial stages of cloud adoption the service providers offered essentially hands-off services and the practice remains viable even today in some of the service paradigms.

Role of cloud culture in uplifting businesses

Modern cloud solutions are influenced by convergence of services that are highlighted by robust commitment to service providers by clients. The new cloud service landscape demands a more pronounced role of cloud service providers by getting deeply involved with unique needs of individual cloud customers.

Cloud culture has improved availability of cloud services to almost every category of business including startups and large conglomerates. Cloud helps total outsourcing of the infrastructure by obviating need to develop on-premise IT capabilities. This transforms into big savings with elimination of upfront costs of infrastructure and costly equipment.

Cloud culture has spread itself across the organization and into the board rooms. CIOs leverage cloud services for fulfillment of more serious tasks including offsite storage, disaster recovery, collaboration solutions, and supply chain management. The most sought after cloud service delivery model is Software as a Service.

Considering proliferation of Internet of Things, mobile computing, and analytics it is evident that cloud computing is going to play a larger role than expected. Cloud culture is set to usher digital transform across all business categories.

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