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7 Tips for Hosting an Online Training Boot Camp on Docebo

Online training boot camps  are now a routine affair with many organizations. The camps are designed with the purpose of improving the employee performance within a quick span of time. The online training camps are live events that cover training activities, online discussions and multimedia online training and e-Learning assessments.

Examine these 7 tips for presenting a comprehensive online training boot camp for your organization.

1. The first step that the organization has to take is establish a pre-assessment camp and do a learning on the abilities and knowledge that the employees have and fill in the gaps in performance. Enterprises can gain by knowing their needs and potentials. Conduct meetings with the department heads and managers to do a task analysis of the individual employees and get a feedback on the skills which the employees lack and in which fields the training’s should be focused on. This will help in streamlining any complex work process and also reduces the faults that employees have been adopting to complete their jobs. They also get the opportunity to improve upon the current procedures being practiced.

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2. Online training boot camps increase collaboration efforts. Since it is online it is more convenient for everyone to log in and participate. The organization could use the video conferencing and other online platforms and assign the teams to work on a project or a small task providing them with the necessary tools. This step will help improve and smoothen the communication channel and enhance teamwork.

3. Online training boot camps are more rigorous than the regular online training courses. To keep the employees focused and reduce the pressure, organizations have to face challenges like stress, distractions and boredom that could be a hindrance to employee concentration and result in sluggish performance. Training simulations are a must as they result in employees mastering new tasks, helps a business to adopt new strategies, make employees learn techniques to master risky experiments. Online training simulations go a long way in improving an organization’s online training strategy.

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4. Employees have to be told as to what benefits they will accrue from the online training boot camps. They need to know why they are being asked to join the program and how they can relate what they have learnt to their future tasks. Once they realize how the online assessments, discussions and other training activities will improve their knowledge and skills, the employees will be more inclined to participate. This process has to be repeated with each new task as identifying the benefits will make the employees more eager and motivated to improve upon their weak points and downsides.

5. Organizations having multiple offices in different locations across the globe should conduct multiple online training boot camps. This is because of the varying time zones and it may not be practically possible for every employee in different branches to enroll and participate in one single online training boot camp. Any live demonstrations have to be copied and uploaded on to platforms like YouTube or included in the online training course for the employees to watch and learn. It also works out to be very cost-effective. Online training camps allow an employee to attend the course from any location. It saves on trainer costs, travel and stay expenditure. It also eases on the nervousness that one gets of attending and participating in an on-site physical training course. It is far easier to type down their views rather than talk it out in public groups.

6. Assure the employees that they can spend some more time before, during and after the online training course to clear any doubts and apprehensions they may be having. Allow them to watch any topic at length again if they are not confident. This will help a stressed employee improve their abilities.

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7. Develop refresher courses after a few weeks or every fortnight as online training boot camps generally may extend only for a few days and is not an incessant affair. Employees may not get the opportunities to carry out what they have learnt during the online camp. This could result in their forgetting what they have been told. Refresher courses will refresh the employees mind. Do not force it upon the employees as it would only add to their stress. It will also help an organization to know the feedback from the employees on the new policies.

The crucial point that an organization, planning to conduct an online training boot camp, is to ensure they are ready with the course dates well in advance and inform the employees about the time frame.

Interested in conducting an online training on Docebo ? We can host the Docebo app for your organization on Cloud Servers. Call us on +91-120-6025102 or Mail us your queries at [email protected]

About Abhay Singh (65 Posts)

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