How to Uninstall SAP HANA?

If you need to uninstall prior installed components of SAP HANA, then you can do so by running SAP HANA database lifecycle manager through SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory within command-line interface or graphical user interface.

1. Uninstall SAP HANA System Utilizing Command-Line Interface

SAP HANA system could be uninstalled utilizing SAP HANA database lifecycle manager command-line interface.


- You have log in as the root user.
- User has execute and read permissions for directory, containing installation medium.
- As per storage solution, you can set export options like no_root_squash and rw for installation directory.  
- Operating system administrator as well as other operating system users might exist before installation. You need to ensure that you possess existing users' password and group assignments and user attributes are right. The HDBLCM resident program of SAP would not change properties of a group or existing user.

Note - With SAP HANA database lifecycle manager, you cannot remove SAP HANA client, SAP HANA server, HLM, SAP HANA studio, SAP LiveCache applications (LCAPPS or SAP LCA plug-in), Application Function Libraries (ELM, AFL as well as product-specific AFLs RME, SOP, SCA, VCH, TRP), XS advanced runtime apps, SAP HANA Smart Data Access (SDA) or SAP HANA EPM-MDS (EDMMDS plug-in); however, it is impossible to eliminate SMD (Solution Manager Diagnostics) or SAP host agent.

- Change to SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory - is /hana/shared as a default setting
- Start SAP HANA database lifecycle manager in command line like - ./hdblcm
- Choose components that you need to uninstall as comma-separated indexes' list. Post that, select Enter.
- Lastly, review summary and choose y in order to finalize configuration.

2. Uninstall SAP HANA System utilizing Graphical User Interface

Also, you can uninstall the SAP HANA system utilizing SAP HDBLCM graphical user interface.


- You should be log in as root user.
- User that has execute and read permissions for directory that consists installation medium.
- As per storage solution, you can set export options, such as no_root_squash and rw for installation directory.
- Before installation, previous users might exist. Therefore, ensure that you must have password of existing users as well as group assignments and attributes are correct. The SAP HDBLCM program would not change properties of existing group or user.

Note - Utilizing SAP HANA database lifecycle manager, you can remove SAP HANA server, HLM, SAP HANA client, SAP HANA studio, SAP LiveCache Applications, Application Function Libraries (EML, AFL as well as product-specific AFLs' RME, RMW, SOP, SCA, TRP, VCH), XS advanced runtime apps, or SAP HANA EPM-MDS; however it is impossible to eradicate Solution Manager Diagnostics or SAP host agent.


- Change to SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory - cd //hdblcm (By default, is /hana/shared.)
- Then, begin SAP HANA database lifecycle manager in GUI - ./hdblcmgui
- The graphical user interface of SAP HANA database lifecycle manager appears.
- Choose Uninstall SAP HANA Components through activity options. Post that, choose Next.
- Choose Uninstall SAP HANA Database version as well as other components. Afterwards, select Next.
- At last, review summary and choose Uninstall in order to finalize configuration.

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