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Which Is More Expensive : Dedicated Servers Or Cloud Hosting

Prior to the emergence of Cloud, dedicated servers were the only available options among those who wish to have robust functionality, power-packed compute, and high security for their business-critical applications. The Cloud emergence has turned the coin. This robust and decades old hosting solution is now being compared by the evolving Cloud. Research conducted by various firms, forecast – Cloud computing will dominate the world of dedicated hosting by its unmatched performance clubbed with on-demand resource allocation and pay as you go model.

Have a look at some of the pointers mentioned below to understand why people are abandoning traditional hosting platform and gearing up for Cloud move:

  • Dedicated Server Hosting: Going by dedicated servers offer numerous benefits whereby one physical server is solely aligned to cater to the needs of single enterprise. Here, complete server is at the disposal of that one single client, business or enterprise. The security protocols can be defined and implemented as per the running operations demand.  However, the maximum efficiency of the dedicated servers clubbed with its resources can exceptionally be realized if the server is running at its peak capacity. If, the complete resources are not being fully utilized, eventually you are at loss – because costs of the assigned resources are met upfront.

Additionally, when there is a traffic upsurge and you require adding resources, such as RAM, bandwidth, processing power, it demands upfront investment, including the underutilized capacity is counted in that.

  • Cloud Server Hosting: Unlike dedicated hosting, cloud hosting practices all together a different concept, that is, on-demand resource provisioning. Here, you can have access to the resources when required. Also, you are only required to pay for the resources you have utilized (similar to household utility, such as water and electricity). The extensive capacity of the shared resources eliminates the setup and up-gradation costs.
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In a nutshell, the foremost parameter that is wooing entrepreneurs toward Cloud is its cost-effectiveness. Even though, dedicated servers offer robust features and stringent security, the evolving Cloud is dominating the dedicated servers.

About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)

Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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