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Reasons to Get an AWS Cross Region Disaster Recovery Plan

All businesses need a disaster recovery plan to ensure that data can be restored in times of a disaster. But when it comes to planning a strategy for Disaster Recovery, there can be no one single approach which will work for all businesses. Regardless of the numbers of variables which are actually part of creating any DR plan for a business, the truth is that every business will definitely benefit when there is an AWS cross region Disaster Recovery plan which guarantee geographical diversity.

Why is AWS Cross Region Disaster Recovery Plan Necessary?

– Businesses need Disaster Recovery plans as these are critical for maximizing up time. For those organizations which have a physical infrastructure for computing, Disaster Recovery is integral to their business continuity plans. This means that resources have to be replicated in an alternate site which is kept up and running and which has an updated replica of the total application stack. In clouds you can deploy a Disaster Recovery plan without involving capital expenses which are needed for the traditional business continuity plans. And, it is here that Amazon offers the requisite building blocks for setting up such a disaster recovery plan. While there may be many ways in which you can guarantee service availability, the strongest is the cross region replica of the application stack. In other words, this guarantees that even if the whole AWS region gets affected by any downtime instance, it will be possible to guarantee failover to the alternate region.

DR services– However, in order to deploy this Amazon Cloud Services cross region disaster recovery strategy you will need to select the finest AWS tools. The main reason for having a disaster recovery plan is to create backups of the business data. This means you need to know which data to back up and how frequently this must be backed up. Another rather pertinent question which you must ask is where to store this data backup. The idea behind DR strategies is to ensure that the business can continue to function even if there is a natural calamity or a man-made disaster. When you store business critical data near your regular production environment, the data may be at risk because it is exposed to almost the same threats as the data which has been affected. For instance, if there is a hurricane in the eastern coast of the United States, there may be power cuts all along the coastline which may need many weeks to repair. If the business you run is in the path of such a hurricane you would not want the replicated data to be also in the same danger zone. It is best to keep the data in a place which is far away from such natural threats. So, distance is of utmost importance when you must make sure your business stays online during a natural disaster.

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– This is made possible with Amazon Cloud Services cross region disaster recovery plans. They will allow you to keep your data backups in various geographical locations all over the globe. This ensures that there is a lot of distance between your business site and the data storage facility and the backed up data will not be affected in any way. So, even if the whole AWS region goes offline, your business operations will continue unaffected. It will not be disrupted as long as there is a proper geographically diverse disaster recovery strategy in place.

– Another important reason to have cross region backups of your business critical data is that it helps to resolve latency issues. When the content gets stored in very close proximity to end-users, they can access it faster and this helps to eliminate latency problems. Latency issues are common when the data is far away from your end-users. So, depending on your budget and business needs, you may use either a warm standby or hot standby approach for disaster recovery. This is done by using many regions for disaster recovery. in other words, this approach will ensure that your data gets replicated across various geographic locations and users get routed to the option which is nearest to them based upon their locations. In case disasters happen, the traffic is simply re-directed to the region which is still online.

– Another significant advantage of cross-region disaster recovery plans is the power to transfer data amongst multiple countries or jurisdictions so as to comply with the regulations and local laws. There are many governments which have stringent laws regarding where and how data may be stored. When new regulations are made, businesses often find it hard to comply with these. However, when there is an AWS cross-region DR plan, the data may be sent easily across the globe to avoid or comply with local laws.

READ Also:  Choosing The Right Solution For Disaster Recovery

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About Neeti Patial (17 Posts)

A seeker of enlightenment; who loves to share insight so that it gets more refined and proliferates with time

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