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Disaster Recovery Services

Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is significantly important, both from regulatory and client service perspective. Sudden downtime and data loss are increasingly affecting businesses, as firms are progressively relying on complex transactions and client relationship software. This can be attributed to increase in data volumes and rapidly increasing our dependency on technology.

What is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster Recovery is a process that facilitates a client to formulate mitigation and contingency plans for disruptive incidents, such as power outages, natural calamities, equipment failures, and cyber-attacks. The process focuses on technology or IT systems supporting business functions. It deals with security planning against occurrences that can put clients at risk.

Disaster recovery involves techniques of restoring data and other services to its last known state. This could include moving apps and files to a previous version. Disaster recovery is initiated when the data undergoes accidental loss due to hardware and application issues on the server.

“A client can lose 90% of the data due to disruptive events. Of these, 80% of the firms without a structured disaster recovery plan closed within 12 months of the occurrence of the event."

- The London Chamber of Commerce

Why is Disaster Recovery Plan Needed?

Businesses, big or small, need disaster recovery plan because data loss is inevitable. Every organization over the course of time undergoes loss of data at least once in its lifetime. Depending upon how well the organization had prepared itself for the unfortunate will decide whether the business will continue to exist or perish.

A disaster recovery plan comprises of a carefully drafted strategy – or a series of strategies – that can get the thing rolling when an organization undergoes data disaster.

What are the Common Causes of Data Disaster?

Data disasters are fairly common. Every second someone lose access to his key files. Failures are bound to happen. Though scarcely, computers fail too. When coincided with human error, computer failure can cause a fiasco. Here are some common causes likely to cause a data disaster-


Software Failure

Software and applications handling data can malfunction at times. The data linked to these applications may change its state permanently or could be rendered unreadable. Software failure is the number one reason why data loss takes place. Suppose, you have an important app and an equally important database linked to that app. If the application somehow undergoes failure, so will the data linked to it. The problem will get even worse if the app and data are hosted on the same server. If the software so much as crashes, you would lose the data in the blink of an eye.


Hardware Failure

Hardware can fail due to a number of reasons but none is as prevalent as high voltage and short circuit faults. The prevailing cause of disaster is hardware failure. Such type of failure requires disaster recovery companies to look into readable sector of the hardware and not all data that has been lost can be recovered. Although not all hardware failures are serious enough to trigger data loss, hardware faults are consider the strongest rival of business continuity. If, suppose, the hard drive has failed, recovery becomes almost impossible except if the data was backed up in some other location.


Natural Calamity

Most data recovery services are known to have setup data centers at places where there are less chances of a calamity happening. One thing to include in your data center business plan is the location where you want it to be provisioned. Avoiding earthquake prone areas and areas near seasonal waters is a must. Natural calamity like floods, earthquakes can not only bring the entire facility down, but also disrupt operations until the services are reinstated. The possibility of a calamity bringing down operations isn’t very likely but is a potent factor nonetheless.


Cyber Breach

One cannot ignore the possibility of a breach on his server, especially when such activities have surged lately. Firewall and frequent backups are essential components of a robust Disaster recovery plan. A single cyber breach can inject enough malware to force-delete the data on your server. Without firewall and antivirus program, your system could land in wrong hands. Cyber attackers, in the past, have extorted money from their victims, threating that they would delete data if the demands are not met.

What should you do to avoid disasters?

With Go4hosting, a phone call is all it takes to avoid data disasters. All you need to do is get in touch with our representative and help him find the right solution at a fraction of what other disaster recovery services charge. We have delivered cloud and some major data center disaster recovery consignments in the past. Through our world-known techniques that range from hardware check to debugging unreadable data, we have garnered fame as the most trusted data recovery hosting provider.

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What to include in a disaster recovery plan?

Disaster recovery plans can have different formats that can vary depending upon the business for which it has been created. Each plan, however, shall have the following –


Backup plans

No disaster recovery plan can exist without a backup. Backup, also called data backup, is an instance or copy of the data which is vital to a business. Every disaster recovery plan should have an operational backup plan which must define how frequently the backups should be created.


Disaster Recovery Site

Hosting and disaster recovery sites should be at the same place as there is added risk that the same natural calamity could wipe both the host and the DR (Disaster Recovery) site out of operation. Thus, it is essential that the DR (Disaster Recovery) site sits at least over a different tectonic plate. If it is not possible to locate Disaster Recovery over a different tectonic, it must be considerably far from the hosting site.


Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR)

Mean time to recovery is the average time it would take your disaster recovery provider to get the service to restart after an outage. The aim is to have minimum MTTR possible. Some providers have MTTR less than a couple hours, however some a full day. The Holy Grail should be anything less than five-hours.

What is Cloud Disaster Recovery?

Cloud disaster recovery has gained popularity in the recent years due to its ability to quickly deploy files in no time. Cloud disaster recovery is the backup and recovery of remote machines lost accidentally. It is an IaaS (infrastructure as a service) wherein the data is backed up to a remotely-located server.

The main advantage of cloud disaster recovery lies in its ability to quickly move files to other servers and get the things rolling in no time. When you deploy a disaster recovery plan using cloud technology, you will unlock yourself the benefit of shrunk mean time to recovery.

Why is Disaster Recovery Important?

Having a pre-decided list of steps can help you to get things in action when time is of the essence. This means when the disaster actually occurs, you wouldn’t need the

A pre-defined planning encloses established steps or guidelines for resolving any future occurrence that can disrupt its usual functions and operations. A data center Disaster Recovery plan helps in many ways:


Business Continuity

It allows timely recovery of essential business operations, as well as facilitates continuity of production and services of businesses. Without disaster recovery service, your business may take a lot of time to get back into action or never get back again.



A data center Disaster Recovery plan enables businesses in expanding their growth without worrying about loss from disruptive events. Thus, you have the assurance that no matter what your business is working to its full potential.



A well-designed disaster recovery plan can help a client in minimizing financial loss along with preventing impairment of a corporation's goodwill and credibility in the market. The meticulous planning of disaster recovery service can help you bring down the cost of actually restoring operations to its normalcy.


File Security

Confidential files need safety and security from virus threat as it hampers your business performance and affects the output quality. A data center provides security backup services which will not only save mission critical business data from malware attacks, but also retrieve corrupted files.

Why Go4hosting for Disaster Recovery?

Go4hosting has a lot to offer to its customers. We have multiple disaster sites to choose from. You can be sure that no matter what, your business is safe from the unseen.

  • A decade of experience
  • Assured Data Recovery
  • Fast and Easy Deployment
  • Zero Hidden Cost
  • Fast, Secure and Reliable
  • Result-Oriented Service
  • India’s Leading Web Host
  • Safe Migration Post-Recovery
  • Experienced Professionals
  • 24/7 Dedicated Support

Disaster Recovery FAQs

Now, ensure your data is fully protected even during natural & technical disasters! Contact our experts to discuss your requirements in order to get a customized Disaster Recovery Plan for your business. Know more about our Business Continuity Plan for Optimal Disaster Recovery. Mail us at or call our Number +91-120-6025102.

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