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How to Select the Best Data Center for Migration

How to Select the Best Data Center for Migration

In this age of constant upheavals, mergers and acquisitions are the order of the day. This can make on site IT infrastructures totally obsolete and one is staring at the urgent need to consolidate and move these vital facilities to new destinations.

These new facilities could be either own data center or a colocation resource. In any situation the entire process is sure to cost heavily in terms of money as well as time. Modern data centers aim to be an integral part of an organization by delivering vital services such as customer engagement, apps testing, and much more.

Selection of the best data center for migration is a vital process for a smooth transition and seamless performance of all mission critical applications for years ahead. However, it is essential to analyze existing infrastructure before making a shift.

Significance of planned DC migration

Importance of a properly functioning data center for any business is a foregone conclusion. Every organization must analyze its requirements in relation with capacity of the data center. Many companies are found to operate with help of inadequate resources of data centers. Similarly, many data centers are not able to cope up with growing needs of companies due to presence of obsolete equipment and so forth.

Secondly, most of the facilities have been rendered inefficient because these are not equipped to handle advanced needs of power and cooling. It is therefore certain that every organization will have to take a call for migration of its data center due to passage of time and many more reasons.

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It is therefore no wonder that globally three out of ten companies are exploring options for data center migration or data center consolidation. While planning a data center migration, CIOs as well as data center managers must pay attention to the good practices that are described below.

Plan a migration strategy

Migration of data center may be limited to part or all of the existing equipment. In fact you can exploit the opportunity to get rid of the old or outdated equipment so that it can be replaced with advanced alternatives. The Planning should be done in such a way that the new facility would have minimum life span of two years.

If you fail to properly chalk out a strategy for DC migration without paying attention to the advice by DC migration experts, your entire IT infrastructure would collapse. It is a must to pen down the strategy that addresses specific business requirements of the organization. The new data center would also have to be planned by studying new technology requirements that empower organization to face new challenges of growth and higher demands.

Layout plan of the new data center facility should be able to accommodate future growth requirements. Optimum use of available space would help save significant costs. Data center architects can provide valuable guidance for space planning.

After reviewing contracts that have been signed you can decide about the need to terminate these or continue in the new environment.

Some software providers can restrict use in terms of geographical locations. This can be a right time to get rid of some troublesome vendors. Ideally, you can explore new service providers to improve performance and affordability.

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Data cater relocation is also a very good opportunity to review your existing design and plan for a more compact and efficient one. After finalization of the equipment to be moved to new site, you can plan if you should move lock stock and barrel or in parts.

Inventory of equipment

Prior to actual process of dismantling, one should refer to all types of documentation for checking if every part of different equipment is present. This should involve physical inventory checking along with actual workloads, and other aspects such as hardware components or software applications, which are present in the current location.

Adjustment of backup and disaster recovery systems should be performed concurrently. This is the right time to categorize and place backup according in cloud and on-premise environments.

Selection of right DC for migration

Reputed data center providers empower migration of onsite data centers through prompt execution. Perfect DC migration planning is backed by efficient and reliable network support. These service providers are driven by the passion to perceive clients’ businesses as their personal responsibilities.

Established Data Center migration service providers have remarkable experience of transforming hardware intensive on-site infrastructures to agile and efficient infrastructure that leverages software applications.

Their vast API and DDI resources are designed to deliver a robust platform for creating a software defined data center.

Security is at the core of data center migration and the service provider should be equipped facilitate ease of accessibility. If your business is looking forward to adopt significantly extensive services that are highly distributed, then a data center with proven capability of delivering seamless cloud connectivity is your final destination.

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For Interesting Topic :

Does the provider offer data center migration/relocation services?

About Vipin Singh (10 Posts)

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