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A Right Web Host Can Help Accentuate Business Growth

In today’s high-pressure environment, every organization needs to have a website that can speak volumes about their authenticity and differentiated value. A website provides an organization an ideal platform to showcase its products and offerings to prospective clients globally. A lot of aspects float in the minds of decision makers wanting to launch a website; marketing being the top priority. An efficiently created website can help in growing your business significantly by bringing more and more customers to you; enable product/service seeker to locate you; explain how embracing your business offerings can leverage them; and it can generate interest of investors, industry-biggies, and media in your service area.

Going forward, with any marketing material that your organization produces, the excellence of your offerings is arbitrated by multiple factors – right from the web security to fast, reliable, and low-latency connections. Regardless of whether you are planning to index your online presence for the first time, or update your existing one, there is a multiple parameters that you need to pay heed to, ranging from website designing to content posted and search engine optimization (SEO) amongst others. Unfortunately, some of the organizations need to face the failure even when they put all aforementioned endeavors, reason – they forget to ensure whether the website hosting provider they have selected is compatible and competent to support their proposed business agenda. Overlooking this aspect can have serious consequences. How serious? It can throw your business out of the market realm–that is how serious repercussion it can cause. Apart from this, ensure that the provider has right disaster recovery and business continuity plan in place so that business goals do not get compromised.

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This blog attempts to throw a light on valuable insight that makes running your organization a breeze:

Remember, your business’ website is one of the most powerful assets as it will help you capitalize on ample amount of opportunities, augment revenue cycle and generate customer leads. However, all your entrepreneurial endeavors will prove fruitful, if only you know where to start and with whom to connect to host your website?

It goes without saying that doing proper research and asking smart question to the service provider candidly will keep your business at bay from the forged or incompetent vendors. Getting stuck to a provider who provides expensive services and poor performance, you know what it can lead to…No one wants to experience horrific business association, right? But, for that it is important to table right hosting roadmap that illustrates web traffic, conversions, and other important details.

There is a host of web hosting providers in India, thus there are smorgasbord of options to select from. This can have dual-effect – good and bad. Good in the sense that you have multiple options to compare, and select from; and bad in the sense it is impossible to compare every solution, which is a mix of genuine and fake providers both. Never ever associate with a partner that lacks security, performance and doesn’t provide flexibility to foster your future growth.

Before you sign up for a web hosting plan, make sure that you ask following questions to your service provider:

How Secure Our Websites Will Be on Your Servers?

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Security is one of the most important attributes that comes into mind when partnering with a web host. In the cyber-influenced business scenario, feeble security measures can cause serious consequences. It is inevitable to ensure that the provider has a hand-on experience in taking complete responsibility of your hosted website. Not only, protecting your mission-critical website against unethical attempts is important, but also your end-users or clients that have showed interest in your offerings. A vendor that employs up-to-the-minute security techniques including vulnerability and spam detectors, power-packed monitoring systems and environmental controllers is a good to go option.

What is the Uptime Guarantee?

If your website fails to remain available to your end-users, the core purpose behind launching a website gets vanished. According to Google, a website that loads slowly or often experiences downtime issue has an adverse impact on its search engine ranking results. Website downtime can switch your potential customers to your rival’s website, which leads to loss of revenue, repute, and credibility. Ensure that the vendor provides no less than 99.95% network uptime for your business website(s).

In this regard, you can read about the various web hosting aspects important for smooth business functionality: Web Hosting Issues that Can Kill your SEO.

Web Hosting

How Data Backup process will be rendered?

Most of the web hosting providers in India often charge for data backup, but when it comes to implement it they don’t stand by their made claims. Look for a vendor that offers automated backups, which is taken on a daily basis. You might delete some files unintentionally or encounter hacking issues. Therefore, it is necessary that you take your data backup and its protection seriously.

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How Scalable the Data Center Is?

The other important trait that you need to give heed to is scalability factor. It is not necessary that if a business is capable of supporting your current business growth, it will continue to support when your website gains popularity. Choose a data center provider that provides portfolio of services so that when you need to upgrade your existing platform to the new one, you can easily do so. On top of it, also look if the vendor provides you the flexibility to switch to the required plans with ease and without levying exit fees or contract cancellation costs. Herein, a scalable data center allows you to handle spikes in traffic without leading to any downtime. You can add computing resources such as bandwidth, and storage when you need it and cutback when the need gets over.

Last but not the least, you should always ask your web host about the kind of support they are going to provide. Go for a vendor that employs certified professions and provides round the clock technical support.

Don’t fall victim to mistakes that can put you out of the business, instead be smart to conquer challenges.

About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)

Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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