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Difference between Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting Explained

It is of utmost importance for an individual or organization to choose their hosting solutions with care and consideration. There are many different types of hosting options available and an organization or an end user must properly understand the difference between shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting to choose a type of hosting that answers most closely to their needs and requirements.

A lot many people not well-versed with hosting and related technological terms may not find themselves in a suitable situation to make right and appropriate decisions when it comes to selecting the right hosting firm and right hosting solutions.

Dedicated Server, VPS Server, Shared Server

It is therefore important that we first understand the basic of hosting before delving deep into the major differences between shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting.

Shared hosting

Shared hosting is the most common type of hosting and also the cheapest amongst the three. In this type of hosting a large number of users have their account on the same physical server. Major server resources such as CPU, RAM, network connectivity, bandwidth, etc are shared with the other customers.

Shared hosting is affordable and a great starting point to take your website online. It is easily scalable and you can always go for VPS or dedicated hosting with growth in your business operations and rise in your website traffic. On the fillip side, shared hosting can be troublesome at times as different users compete for the same server resources. Also, root access is not allowed and shared hosting is not easily customizable.

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VPS hosting

VPS stands for virtual private server. A hybrid of shared hosting and dedicated hosting, it supports higher online traffic and more control like dedicated server but only at a fraction of cost of dedicated hosting. This type of hosting provides more control over the assigned resources and better security at a significantly lower cost.

Dedicated hosting

Dedicated is an advanced form of hosting where clients purchase the whole servers intended solely for their use.  The server is not shared with anybody else resulting in enhanced website performance with higher levels of control and reliability.

Now that the basics of all the three major types of hosting have been enumerated, it is hoped that the difference between shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting is clear. Individuals or organizations can of course take the help of a known hosting provider to understand the subtle differences between shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting to make better and more informed decision.

Interesting Topics To Read : Dedicated Hosting vs. VPS Hosting vs. Shared Hosting

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