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Building a Backup Strategy: Using Cloud And On-Premises For Best Data Backup Strategies

Technical issues can cause major setbacks even to companies that are using state-of-the-art cloud hosting technologies and advanced processes. Recent incidents involving two international majors show how ill-prepared companies are when it comes to adapting backup systems. Experts state that companies can save themselves tons of trouble if they have an efficient backup system in place on premises or a cloud-based one.

Are You Looking For Data Backup Systems?

Businesses are not serious about using the best backup systems and strategies as they are quite convinced that the next victim of technology disaster will be anyone but them. A solid backup plan is all it takes to prevent a major disaster from hitting your business. Companies with a foolproof backup strategy that’s regularly updated can focus on their goals more intensely as they won’t have to fear a situation where they have no access to data which can affect their functioning adversely, especially in the critical customer service section.

One key reason why companies do not put a good backup strategy in place is because to have an efficient backup plan they must invest significant amount of time and money. While established businesses generally have no problem with resources investment, for startups and new companies, this could pose a problem owing to limited budget and a skeletal staff that they would rather use for crucial business development tasks.


Avoid Shortcuts

Some companies opt for shortcut solutions that come cheap and promise high performance. Such solutions are highly suspect because they are not properly tested or optimized. When the data system is stretched, the backup process can fail leading to major availability and performance issues that can deliver a telling blow to your reputation.

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Backup Strategy Options

Choosing the right backup service strategy for your business is not easy unless you plan it properly in consultation with an expert. You will have to first decide which information needs to be backed up on top priority and which need not be secured. No organization will need all their information on demand in the backup system. It is important to note that data storage is an expensive process. Prioritization is necessary to make sure that you don’t spend your limited financial resources on storing data that is not of critical importance. Only mission-critical files and applications that your organization needs regularly must be included in the backup system and considered for regular update.

You will also have to choose the right storage method. In fact, you will have to assign the backup process to a qualified IT professional who can be in charge of monitoring and testing the system on a regular basis. If the data you are handling is of a sensitive nature, you must ensure that the best backup and storage technology is used to ensure its safety.

Why Location Is Important

While choosing a cloud backup system, you must pay close attention to the location as this could prove to be an important factor. On-premises deployment is recommended if you want your critical information to remain closer to your organization. You can choose from DAS and NAS storage solutions. DAS stands for direct attached storage while NAS expands to network attached storage. They are advanced form of storage systems that are designed to withstand power outages, and disasters such as flood and fire.

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Other Options

You can also consider building a fully-equipped cloud from the ground up by buying the necessary hardware and components or choose the service of a private cloud hosting provider to provide high-quality storage solutions that can keep data protected from disasters. You can also store your data offline by using magnetic tape, DVDs or discs. Physical media is safe and remains unaffected by outages or system failures but there is a major drawback. If there is a failure, getting the system back on feet can be a long-drawn process.

Cloud computing is gaining in popularity with many companies are choosing this reliable route to secure their data backup process. If you too are considering backup solutions, make sure you consult an IT expert to know which option best suits your business data protection needs.

Some providers incorporate their own software on top-ranked generic cloud services such as Google and Amazon. This leads to a situation in which they can enjoy redundancy-related benefits of redundancy but do not have the ability to control the situation or shoot down troublesome issues.

Another option is to use the services of providers that leverage their own purpose-built cloud data centers and allow companies to make their choice of backup hardware. In such an arrangement, the provider is responsible for maintenance, uptime and backup tasks.

You can also consider using the services of providers with their own their hardware powered by third-party software for data management during backups. This is a popular arrangement that’s extremely reliable and used by many companies. Lack of customization options is a downside.

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Read More at : Cloud Backup Services

About Rohit Paul (10 Posts)

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