Author Archives: Abhishek Yadav

Dedicated Server in India

When and Why Should You Opt For a Dedicated Server in India

When you start your website on the internet, you get numerous hosting solutions. But not all hosting solutions will suit your needs. You need something that can fulfill your needs and is reliable. Once you find a hosting service provider, you purchase shared hosting because it is cheap. Initially, you do not feel any issue Read more>>

VPS Hosting Servers Better

Why Are VPS Hosting Servers Better Than Shared Hosting

If you are looking forward to starting your online enterprise or you are already having one then you might be aware of the hosting options. Every hosting plan in the market has its advantages and disadvantages. So you have to select one hosting plan that suits your needs.  The least expensive plans are some of Read more>>

Buying a Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server Purchasing Guide – Things You Need to Know While Buying a Dedicated Server

Before you proceed towards buying a dedicated server, you should know why exactly you need a dedicated server? If you can use another hosting solution that is more suitable than dedicated hosting then prefer it. However, if you have made up your mind to get a dedicated server in India then here is a purchasing Read more>>

Colocation Hosting

What is Colocation Hosting and How Does it Work

Colocation hosting service is very much similar to dedicated hosting. It offers you multiple ways to upgrade your website and resources. Colocation hosting suits big websites with high traffic. It is also suitable for startups that do not have enough money to build their data center or hire IT experts.  With colocation hosting, you will Read more>>


Everything You Need To Know About Dedicated Server in India

Choosing for web hosting service is one of the most important decisions that a website owner has to make. It is necessary to select the right service provider because the whole website depends on the hosting. However, there are numerous types of web hosting offered in the market. Out of all, you have to select Read more>>

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