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Windows VPS Hosting

Which is Better: Windows VPS or Linux VPS?

When you have decided to sign up for VPS server hosting, your next task is to make a decision between Linux and Windows operating systems. In VPS hosting, an entire server is compartmentalized to produce multiple virtual servers. Every such virtual server functions independently and runs its own operating system, Linux or Windows. VPS hosting is preferred by companies because it offers almost all benefits of dedicated hosting at much lower rates.

What are the benefits you will get with Linux virtual private servers?

As Linux is an open source platform, Linux hosting plans are likely to be cheaper compared to Windows plans. Linux servers are also known for their reliability, high uptimes and continuous execution. They are also simple to run and adjust. However, you will need to have a bit of technical expertise in running these servers because they are not as intuitive as the Windows VPS servers.

Linux is free and it is an open source OS. So, businesses which run PHP and other open source applications will find Linux VPS servers useful. They are also compatible with multiple OS options like CentOS, Ubuntu and Debian. However, for businesses that run applications involving .Net technologies, Windows servers are indispensable because these will only run in a Windows setting.

Linux is known for its stability, innovation and high end performance. There are no licensing fees and you will not need to buy specialized software in order to use Linux OS. When you are comfortable working with the cPanel, you should sign up for Linux VPS hosting. Because of it’s SSH access, server loads are lesser compared to the Windows counterparts. This guarantees users better control of the servers.

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What benefits will you get with Windows virtual private servers?

When you Choose Windows VPS hosting plans, you will find that it is very easy to use because of your familiarity with its tools. Windows is a popular operating system and may be used by both amateurs and experienced web developers with equal aplomb. As expected, Windows VPS servers will be compatible with all other Microsoft products and Windows-based scripts and programs.

Windows servers are highly easy to run and you do not need a lot of technical know how to get started. There are excellent graphical interfaces which make the users’ task much simpler. You can even work with scripts like ASP and ASP.Net and databases like the MS SQL database. There are applications involving .Net technologies which will however only run in a Windows environment.

While Linux may be the cheaper of the two, because it is an open source system, Windows need licensing fees. Moreover, Linux is found to offer robust protection against viruses and malware while Windows plans will make you introduce many security programs to combat the SQL attacks.

Which should you choose between Windows VPS or Linux VPS?

Both Windows and Linux VPS hosting plans have their own sets of advantages and shortcomings. Clients will make a choice depending on the kind of applications they run on their websites. They will also take into account their own expertise and comfort factor. When the business greatly relies on Microsoft products Windows servers are recommended for obvious reasons. So, Windows VPS hosting is ideally suited for users who want an operating system which is easy to use. Secondly, when you run applications using the .Net framework, you do not have a choice but to use Windows. And finally, when you are not keen for a lot of customization, Windows virtual servers are right for you.

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What OS you choose in the end will greatly depend on how you will be able to interact with it, whether you are opting for a dedicated server or a virtual server. This explains why you should not take this decision too lightly. Most people would recommend signing up for Linux VPS hosting because it is cheaper, open source, secure and highly customizable. Windows VPS servers however are not to be left behind because these are almost as popular today. Their ease of use and people’s familiarity with Microsoft products works in its favor. There are also many handy tutorials and video guides available on the Internet which can teach you the nuances of hosting with Windows virtual servers. You can count of support from Microsoft for any technical problem that you may face, Microsoft has been in this business for a fairly long period of time and has invested much talent and money into coming up with solutions to ensure customer convenience and user satisfaction.

For Interesting Topics :

What is Linux VPS Hosting?

Benefits to buy a Linux VPS

Windows VS Linux VPS Hosting?

About Chhaya Jaiswal (54 Posts)

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