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Tips To Migrate Your WordPress Website To A New Server Host Securely And Painlessly

Thinking of changing your website hosting service? You are not the first one. Companies are known to change their hosting service providers for issues related to performance, support and pricing. If you are planning to change your website host and doing it for the first time, it is natural to have some apprehensions in your mind regarding the following issues.

  • Security of data during the switching process
  • Time taken for the entire migration procedure to be completed
  • Status of clients records and activity during the transition process
  • Security of files stored in the existing system

If You Know The Steps, It Is Really Simple

The process of shifting your WordPress website to the server of a new hosting service is not as difficult as it may seem. Many individuals and companies do it. Before the process of WordPress website migration is initiated, it is imperative that you backup your files to minimize chances of loss of data or documents. In some rare cases, this is a possibility so steps must be taken to prevent it. With the highly advanced technologies now at your disposal, this problem is something that can be taken care of easily. The best way to secure files and documents is to make a hard copy and store them in the cloud.


Step-by-step process that you can follow to migrate your website to a new server

• The first step is to find the export program which can be done by logging in to your existing hosting account. Another option is to use the FTP or file transfer protocol account for current host and downloading the WP content.

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• Export your database files by using the Quick Export option which is provided in the Control Panel. Click on the Export button provided in phpMyAdmin and click on the ‘Go’ tab. The process of exporting the database files will be handled by the system automatically without your interference.

• The WordPress content folder is the next thing you should focus on. You should download this folder as it is a key file where all your vital data gets stored. The FTP can be used for downloading.

• Create an FTP account which will enable you to upload the folder of the WordPress content you have backed up for uploading on the new WordPress site host. You can install WordPress following the friendly onscreen prompts. Your job will be easier if your host offers have one-click installation for WordPress users.

• Next, you must import your database files. This can be done by going to the cPanel, and opening phpMyAdmin. Next click on the Import tab and click Go. You won’t have to lift a finger as the system will do the job of importing the database files for you automatically. Make use of the .SQL file previously created while exporting your site database from the erstwhile host.

• Uploading your WordPress content folder is the next step in the process. To ensure this, you will have to replace the content in WP content on the new host with the content from the site backup by FTP.

A crucial thing to remember while changing domains is to update your website database. This can be done easily. WordPress offers many plugins to help those who are planning to migrate to a different host. These include Better Search Replace or Velvet Blues Update URLS.

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Here are a few more things that must be mandatorily carried out while migrating your WordPress website to a new host.

Taking Care Of Images And Posts

Do you have images and content posts on your website pointing to a URL on your server? Do you know that these links become inoperable when you change hosting providers? You must make sure these links are functional and to achieve this, you must search for files that carry the old domain name and replace it with your new hosting service name.

A search and replace script can make your job quick and easy. It will spare you the hassle of having to search the files with old domain names manually. There are a few good scripts available but make sure you research the market to find one that’s not only reliable and effective but user-friendly as well.

Remember to delete the search-and-replace script once the changing of domain names of all files and pointers is achieved. You can find a number of online tools to finish this thing quickly without having to click on every navigation button or hyperlink.

If you follow these instructions carefully and meticulously, you should be able to complete the migration of your WordPress website from your existing website host to a new service provider painlessly and without any hassle. The leading web hosting services offer dedicated services for clients who wish to change server host. By utilizing the services of a professional, you can avoid errors and downtime and complete the whole process securely and quickly.

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