Dedicated Server Hosting > Blog > Is it the Right Time to Upgrade your Dedicated Server to Cloud?

Is it the Right Time to Upgrade your Dedicated Server to Cloud?

We are living in an application driven landscape, where the functionality and performance of your applications have a direct impact on your business and brand. One bad experience forces your potential end-users to switch to a rival app. In this regard, successful businesses pore over every solution before they put the pedal to the metal.

At the outset, limited computing capabilities contentedly aid the requirements of a newly launched SaaS project, more precisely – a web and a database server. Thus, when you plan to host your mission-critical applications off the ground, at first, less traffic is directed to your applications which you anticipate to grow further in the not so distant future.

The number of visitors landing on your server including server configuration will determine your next course of action. However, the question that strikes in mind is – from where to jump-start? Whether a dedicated server or cloud move will facilitate your organization with greater agility, flexibility, and security. As a result, it sparks pressure on line-of-businesses to find the best solution that not only fosters flexible IT requirements, but also adapts to changing application environment.

This highlights the importance of comprehensive contemplation of the two solutions both in terms of benefits and menaces.

Dedicated server facilitates the organizations with complete control and resources of their server allowing them to change the configurations in tandem to the applications deployed. In this hosting type, a fixed amount (although it is expensive) is paid at the subscriber’s end on the basis of the server specs.

Cloud computing model works on sharing phenomena, giving access to pooled resources to multiple users at the same time. This multi-tenant environment eliminates the need of upgradation, allowing clients to make the best out of their existing IT architecture. In addition to this, the service is billed according to the utilization done on a pay-per-use basis. The computing resources are shared among multiple users, which make it a budget-friendly alternative for many.

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Dedicated Server to Cloud

Dedicated Server to Cloud

Now, let’s focus on the points to understand when a business needs upgradation?

Services that are subscribed foreseeing the future and have the potential to adapt to current business structure are the key to success. Today, organizations are under extreme pressure to meet escalating demands of line-of-businesses with respect to IT. If your business is growing at the fastest pace, flexible platform that can accommodate efflux and influx of traffic will only live up to your expectations.

Rigid Specification of Dedicated Servers: These servers are assigned to a client with a definite set of specifications, which can take load upto a specified limit only. If the traffic exceeds the server specs, there are chances when clients and their allied end-users may encounter downtime issues. Even surge in traffic can lead to server failure. In order to scale up a dedicated server, a minimum of 1 additional server is needed, typically a dedicated database server. When trying to go beyond this limit, more web servers including a load balancer is required to be configured. Apart from this, managing such data, applications and configurations on each of the physical servers is an intricate and time-taking process.

With cloud computing capabilities, right from the network, capacity to RAM, and other requisite IT resources all can be upgraded without involving costly installation and configuration process.

Intuitive failover environment: Dense traffic eats up the dedicated computing resources taking a toll on your hosted applications. Neither you nor your subscribers will be able to see your websites/applications online. As a result, they can frame a negative perception about your business in their mind which is not at all good if you are longing for long-term success. Even one minute of downtime can cause loss of dollars. Cloud servers are built-in with failover capability, which enables companies to keep their critical application up in all situations. Even if the disaster strikes, the load gets directed to various other servers deployed in a network abiding by always-on, always-available mantra.

READ Also:  When Should You Move to a Dedicated server, VPS or a Cloud Server?

Unrestricted Accessibility & Backups: Platform dependency is not a case with cloud hosting. The data or applications running on cloud server hosting can be accessed from anywhere over a network, called Internet or through a set of interlinked servers. The remote access to the require files when you and your respective team needs it blurs the time zone boundaries and boosts collaboration. Besides, flexibility to share and access files from any part of the world, all the data stored on the cloud gets backed up on various servers, which can be retrieved in unwarranted data disaster scenarios.

To sum the all, cloud computing offers sea of opportunities to businesses in terms of scalability, flexibility, and security. Upgrading your dedicated server to the cloud environment will only be beneficial if the migration process is carried out with due care.

About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)

Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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