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Cloud-Hosting-vs-Dedicated Hosting

Is Dedicated Server Better Than Cloud Hosting?

People are divided in their opinions about whether dedicated servers or cloud servers are more beneficial for a business. While cloud computing has become the new buzzword, the truth is that dedicated infrastructure still offers many key benefits over cloud infrastructure in many situations. What is important is to find a web hosting provider which can come up with the right blend of cloud and dedicated infrastructure for specific cases.

– It is seen that customers are usually not very clear about the infrastructure aspects. For instance, there are customers who are not sure whether to choose private cloud solutions only. But, what is needed is for you to build a set-up that will conform to your business interests. Once this can be determined, the web host will help its clients build the best security solutions centering on that infrastructure. It is usually seen that dedicated infrastructure is better equipped to offer more options for security and compliance needs to customers.

– Moreover, dedicated hosting solutions are known to provide greater flexibility and control which becomes necessary for satisfying specific application needs in security or compliance. In fact, dedicated hosting helps to reduce complexity because you are given the freedom to carry out changes in configurations and customize in a one-tenant environment. This is something that is never possible in a shared setting.

– It has been argued by many people that dedicated set-ups are far costlier than the cloud. So, businesses can run their predictable workloads on dedicated servers. They can use cloud servers for handling sudden traffic spikes. This will help them to save costs. This freedom to customize the environment where your staff does not need to establish or manage the servers can be cost-savings for a business.

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– It is often also stated that dedicated hosting will demand a lot of technical expertise. But this is not entirely true, especially when you have an experts’ team to back you up during implementation and planning stages and for maintenance. With a good web host to assist you it is possible to bridge all knowledge gaps. You can also learn how to get the most out of your infrastructure. Besides, you also learn ways to lower your monthly bills, even while using dedicated servers.

– Dedicated servers are being preferred to the cloud as these can guarantee superior performance. Even when you use reputed cloud solutions from AWS or Amazon Web Service you can never get the power you can get from a dedicated server which has been properly configured. In most cloud environments the underlying storage and networking are shared by many customers. This may result in the disk I/O becoming unpredictable. When some other client starts to transfer huge amounts of write requests you can experience slowdown. So, most problems arising in the cloud or VPS settings are because of the disk I/O issues and these are usually not easily resolvable inside a cloud framework. You can scale up the storage and processing power but scaling the disk I/O becomes a challenge.

– Transparency is also the key to resolving complex reliability issues and performance issues. It is important to be able to peer inside an application to find the possible bottlenecks. However, with cloud vendors, this is usually not possible. You cannot see exactly what has been powering the operations and cloud hardware tends to make networking and hardware problems incomprehensible. Since cloud is shared service the activities of others can directly impact workloads and underlying hardware errors may be responsible for outages. In a cloud, you will have to share computing resources like RAM or CPU with many others. So, cloud software will try to fence in the neighbors; however, this fencing is likely to have holes. Because of inherent designs, one user may overwhelm a local node and this may trigger temporary outages. Usually such problems stay undetected by providers and this is why you have to constantly track performance. Another problem with the cloud hosting servers is hardware errors. If such issues are detected or suspected the provider simply migrates the instance to other nodes in order to check if the problem is still there. While the cloud may make such migrations simple, with dedicated servers, these are not needed in the first place. This is because you can always check for hardware errors and nip these in the bud.

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– People feel that cloud is inherently redundant. But a node is never more reliable than a dedicated server. When the node dies, the workload also crashes. This is almost the same as CPU or RAM crashes in a dedicated server. So, even with a cloud, you will need to build redundancy. For instance, The AWS set-up is not simple and it needs regular monitoring and maintenance. Cloud set-ups like the AWS usually have very complex layers which you do not need. Dedicated servers are safer in this manner as these issues are not there at all. So, there is no sense in choosing a complicated infrastructure when you cannot use it properly.

– Lastly, when you try to integrate complex services in a cloud, you will see that you are getting locked into their plans. This is a dangerous situation when the services or prices or support systems change for some reason. This is why development should evaluate all the smooth cloud migration options before choosing a cloud hosting service provider. Dedicated servers are more like commodities and migration to another provider is rather easy. This is why choosing dedicated hosting is a better option for meeting your technical and business needs instead of risking vendor lock-ins.

In case of any hosting requirement, you can easily contact us for Hosting Requirement.

About Nikita Mittal (18 Posts)

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