Dedicated Server Hosting > Blog > Exploring few of the Greatest Blogging Extensions for Joomla hosting


Exploring few of the Greatest Blogging Extensions for Joomla hosting

In spite of being a very useful Content Management System for the purpose of blogging, sometimes Joomla finds itself on the receiving end while it is being compared to WordPress.

We need to appreciate that very occurrence of such debate proves that Joomla is also backed by its ardent followers and is a strong contender for being a good blogging platform especially when it is supported by dedicated server hosting.

Comparison of Joomla hosting and WordPress in terms of their blogging functionalities cannot be called as an apple to apple comparison. Both CMSs have their own individual strength areas and hence a direct comparison may not be rational.


In spite of the proven superiority and extensive popularity of WordPress CMS as a blogging platform, Joomla hosting has its own strengths as far as its use as a blogging platform is concerned. These strong points are in the form of state of the art tools that contribute to a plethora of improvements in blogging functionality of Joomla.

Joomla Core- getting better for bloggers
Joomla Core has been continuously improving in order to provide better facilities for bloggers such as nested Categories and more. Nested categories make it super easy to store articles and the Administrator back end itself has been upgraded for ease of content management.

If you are looking forward to a feature packed platform for basic blogging activities, then head for Komento, an easy to procure extension from StackIdeas. Joomla also enables ease of integration with third party commenting engines including LiveFyre or Disqus.There is a plethora of entries available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.

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Improvement in Joomla Core extends further to Access Control List (ACL) to facilitate varying accessibility to information to complex blog. This robust as well as flexible system is a boon for advanced bloggers.

EasyBlog for instant and powerful blogging
If you are searching for entering the domain of blogging with a platform that offers tons of features, then EasyBlog from StackIdeas is what you are looking for. There can be hardly a better out of the box blogging platform to compliment robust properties of Joomla for building a blog site.

With EasyBlog at hand, you will have access to advanced media management, built-in comments, and large number functionalities for of social integration. The application simplifies routine tasks including automated posting to FaceBook, Twitter, and many more social networks, RSS feed creation and so forth.

Whether you need direct integration for social extensions including Community Builder and Jomsocial or newsletters, EasyBlog has you covered if you are using Joomla hosting.

K2- a clear choice for Joomla Professionals
In terms of customizability and ease of adding custom fields, K2 is a straightforward blogging platform to be used with Joomla hosting. Known as a Content Creation Kit or CCK, IT facilitates regular usage of specific fields. If you are engaged in creating content that needs a particular format such as reviews or descriptions of products, then K2 makes it a breeze to create various sections such as product image, tech specs, and so forth.

ZOO CCK by YOOtheme
Whether you want to create a simple or a complex blog, this content creation kit offered by YOOtheme has you covered. Similar to K2 it is easy to create custom content types for every type of blog. ZOO is available as free as well as paid version and the free version is known as ‘lite’ and has out of the box functionality for blog creation. This is the one of the most sought after extensions with amazing looks with easy to integrate templates and capability of a functional platform with Joomla hosting.

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sigplus Image Gallery Plus
Adding images or photos to your blogs is a breeze with this straightforward and intuitive Joomla extension. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, sigplus Image Gallery Plus will not disappoint you and enable creation of powerful gallery in minutes. It facilitates automatic generation of images that are suitable for previews and offers multiple display options including blending effects and much more.

You can customize large number of parameters of the appearance and behavior of images including image sort order, slide show delay, image border, and orientation, to name a few. The free version of this full-fledged product itself is capable of catering to all your needs.

WordPress for Joomla
The list can never be complete without a mention of WordPress for Joomla since we have already talked about Joomla and WordPress. The extension is the creation of corePHP and is basically designed to enable ditect integration of WordPress into Joomla CMS. In the words of its creators, they have amalgamated the most sought after blogging platform with the most popular Joomla hosting.

This extension is claimed to be the most robust Joomla component. Popularity of WordPress for Joomla can be attributed to its ability to concurrently use Joomla content plugins as well as WP themes and plugins. You will find this extension extremely useful if you are running a Joomla blog while your writers feel at home with WordPress blogging platform.

Joomla Extensions Directory provides an amazing array for components for blog creation including Blog Factory, JUblog, RSBlog, JoomBlog, and so forth. These are robust and versatile Joomla extensions designed to enhance blogging functionality of world’s most desirable CMS.

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About Harpreet Kaur (29 Posts)

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