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Easy Process to Set Up Your Own Web Server

If you don’t have your own homepage, you are simply slipping in the digital age. Digital age calls for joining hands with advancement. Conversely, there are different ways practiced for hosting a web page, first – by buying web hosting service from a third party provider, secondly, by creating your own website. If, you are cuddling an offshore web server, you can simply play around; however, the journey will be quite exciting, if you create your own web hosting server.

Believe me friends, the process is intriguing and uncluttered. I have tried my best to present the steps in a way that it drives you to the destination without “quick steps”. You can start your journey with minimum or no expenses. Creating your own website is a rewarding experience.

Step 1 Dedicated PC/Laptop You need a dedicated PC or a laptop that can run and be connected, round the clock. If, your old laptop, or desktop are gathering dust in the corners of your house, trust me, you can utilize them as well. For personal usage, high configuration systems are not mandatory. Simple 2GB of RAM or even 512 MB is enough, if you are using Ubuntu Linux as your operating system. Linux servers are considered as one of the great server OS, and is widely used by biggies in the industry.

Step 2 Choose your desired operating system. Suppose, if you choose Linux distro for building your web server, which is not a bad idea at all as most of them are fundamentally Unix-grown and Unix-oriented. Moreover, the server installation is free of cost. Download Ubuntu from its official website – Furthermore, you need to burn the .ISO file to a blank CD using CD burning program. Note: If, you are using 32bit or 64 bit PC, the version you will download should be as per the bits, such a 32 bit PC will support will support 32 bit version of Linux, and 64 bit PC will support 64 bit edition of Linux. Once you are done with the OS selection, get it installed.

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Step 3 Activate Remote Access To activate remote access to your server: Go to System-Preferences-Remote Desktop, tick mark the displayed options. Enter the password. (Required for accessing the server from the remote PC)

Step 4 Get the File Transfer Protocol Installed (FTP) FTP helps in downloading and uploading from the server, allowing you to access the files via Internet. You can share the same account with your friends, relatives, and so on to upload and download the files.

Step 5 Proceed to Configure FTP Users Go to the System – Administration -GPROFTP Thereafter, enter the password. An FTP window will be popped up. Go to the Users tab, and fill in the asked details. Once you are done with the user setup, click “Add”to add user to the list. Now Configure and Activate FTP Server by going back to the “Server” tab in order to place the server on the network (Internet). Again, herein, complete the details, such as IP address, port (keep it at default 21, if you aren’t very sure), maximum login tries, uploading and downloading speed and alternative server identity. Once, you are done. Select “Apply Settings “this means your server is activated on LAN.

Step 6 Port Forwarding As your Server is activated on the LAN, which implies that it works within your local network. In order to communicate with the outer world, your router will help you to do the same. Choose port forwarding, and you are really online.

Get started to have your own dedicated web server and play around with ease.

About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)
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Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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