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A 101 Content Marketing Strategy to Boost your Blog Rankings

content marketingBlogs are a key aspect of content marketing strategy. So, how do you boost your blog’s ranks?

Every month, more than 400 million readers indulge in reading blog posts. That’s why more than 72% of online marketers hail blog writing as one of the most necessary SEO tactics. Therefore, it’s imperative to tweak your content marketing strategy accordingly.

But, how exactly do you do that? What do you need to boost your blog in search engine rankings? How can you increase its chances of organic discovery? For that, we have to understand a few key things, such as:

  • Defining the content marketing strategy
  • What are search engine ranks?
  • How does Google rank websites?

So, let’s begin.

What Is A Content Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing is a strategy for building trust and awareness around your brand. It also helps you generate organic traffic to your website. So, the content marketing strategy is a documented plan.

You need to identify what type of content you want to create, who you want to target, and how often you want to publish the content. The plan should also consider the channels for publishing the content.

However, content marketing is not just about writing blog posts, videos, or social media posts. It can also include images or infographics shared on social media or via email campaigns, podcasts, webinars, and other online video content.

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What Are Search Engine Rankings?

Search engine rankings are the position that a website appears in when a user searches for something on Google. When it comes to SEO, ranking higher on search engines is one of the most important factors. It can make or break your business.

Since search engine rankings are how your website is ranked on search engines like Google, they are an important factor in generating organic traffic. For instance, search engine rankings measure a website’s prominence in the


To keep it simple, SEO is the process of optimizing your site to rank higher in SERPs. While the goal is to generate organic traffic, which comes from organic searches, as opposed to paid advertisements.

How Does Google Rank Websites?

In the past, SEOs have been able to rank sites higher in SERP with just a few links. But nowadays, it is not as easy as it used to be. The reason is that Google has been updating its algorithm monthly to ensure that the search results are more relevant and accurate.

But, many other factors, such as social media ranking, site speed, and original content, also affect rankings. Google’s algorithms change frequently, so SEOs need to constantly update their strategies and techniques to keep up with the new changes.

How To Create A Strategy To Boost Blog Rankings?

Creating a marketing strategy to amp up blog rankings is a vast and vague ambition. While there are rules you need to play by, the real work is done through trial and error.

However, there is a way to get over the line, and we’ll be exploring 5 of them to boost your blog rankings. So, let’s get started:

1.  Tactical Approach To Keywords

Keywords are one of the primary pillars of your content. That’s why you need to tend to keywords properly. So, here are three things that you need to pour into your content strategy:

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·   Pick The Right Ones

Pick the right keywords and use tools like keyword planner by Google, AnswerThePublic, or Ubersuggest. You need the right keywords to make a topic, create content, and place them accordingly. Suppose you have a website on Hosting services, you will need to search for keyword relevant to the website like Cloud hosting India, VPS hosting India, etc.

·   Place Them Correctly

Speaking of placing keywords, you need to ensure you are scattering them evenly. So, your headline should feature one, but it’s optional. Your intro needs your primary keywords, and all the H2 headings need secondary keywords.

·   Density

Ensure you thoroughly care about keyword density, as you cannot afford to be accused of keyword stuffing. So, make sure the density doesn’t surpass 2-3% of your entire word count.

2.  Formulate Eye-Catching Titles

The second things you need to focus on in your strategy are Headlines/titles. This is the aspect of your content that your target audience will see for the first time. That’s why you need a captivating headline. How do you formulate one?

  • Try using numbers
  • Write more how-to articles
  • Promise of information

The last point is perhaps the best advice you can get about creating a title. Because a lot of internet users will be looking for information. Therefore, the more informative your title sounds, the better it will be.

3.  Meta Descriptions (How To Create Them)

Meta descriptions are a vital element of on-page SEO. Therefore, you need to write solid descriptions of your content. But how do you do that? Here’s a suggestion:

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·   Use A Summarizer

A text summarizer is a tool that shortens text and retains key information about it. Now, if your blog is around 1000-words, then you can write a 50-100 word description using this tool:text-summarizer

All you have to do is pick the bar in the top-right corner and push it all the way down. So, once a short summary of your article is generated, here’s what you’ll see:

best line

As seen here, the content is shortened to the minimum, and it’s ideal for a 160-200 character meta description.

4.  Add Links: Backlinks & Interlinks

Interlinking is one of the key aspects of any blog. It’s a way of identifying a website’s worth and also a way of determining a site’s domain authority. The more quality backlinks you have, the better your chances will be.

On top of that, you need to interconnect your blog from within. That’s why you need to add interlinks from one content to another. So, devise a thorough backlinking strategy and place them evenly throughout your content.

5. Use Visual Media: Images & Videos

Google identifies content with videos and images as the ones with the most informative value. These are also the types of content that the audience prefers the most. Therefore, where and if possible, try to add media such as videos, images, infographics, charts, tables, etc. Make sure there is no copyright issues or plagiarism in any of the content you use on the website.


This is a strategy you can employ to boost your blog’s ranks higher. Not only is it guaranteed to get you noticed by search engine crawlers, but if you do everything right, you’ll see your blog placed in the top-ranked pages on SERP.

About admin (77 Posts)

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