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Things to Consider While Backing Up Sensitive Corporate Data

We all are living in an information technology age, where loss of critical data means fluttering of the core business structure. Can’t be denied, the power of the hackers, spammers are increasing at the same pace as the technology is burgeoning. The integration of data backups and intrusion forestalling methodologies has become ineludible to convoy data or information against physical and e-threats. Dexterous and on the track data backup solutions when performed with due diligence and competence boost confidence and performace.

Below are few of the not to overlook facts when going forth with data backup solutions:

  • Comprehensive data backup approach: A recent report on endpoint user data by Gartner connotes the importance of comprehensive data backup approach. It states that 28% of data is stored on smartphones, tablets, and laptops as the workforce has become more and more tech-savvy. The businesses solely dependent on desktop back solutions (one of the prevalent lapses), ostensibly, put their data at peril.
  • Cogent Backup Solution: Backup solutions designed for server if practiced on end-point data backup will upset the performance and may interrupt the marching process. Server backup prudently works in an environment where all the devices are backed-up at a stipulated time interval and over a high bandwidth local area network. Beside, endpoint backup solutions are fickle and work in a flexible, expeditious, and VPS less networks. Right backup solutions for the specific module perk-up the performance and avert hassles.
  • Resolute Deduplication Technology: Tremendous amount of data is produced and stored on the hard drives. Approximately, 60% of the enterprise data is duplicate, thus, the implementation of brass-bound deduplication technology frees up the space in primary cloud storage by eliminating the duplicate data across all the users within the enterprise. As a matter of fact, this provides high bandwidth and storage savings.
  • Data Encryption: Data breach is one of the prevalent scenarios that can cause shattering results, look for a solution that possesses an ability to encrypt the sensitive data on the device, provide geographically located ability, and remote wipe for additional security.
  • All-encompassing Backup Software: At times, when backup software interferes with the work process, either they are stopped or discontinued. Bringing in software that incorporates less CPU and bandwidth consuming capability, optimized WAN, and deduplication fosters smooth backup process.
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At the end, we can state that backup solution designed with high capabilities and feature will ensure the security of confidential or sensitive corporate data – giving them a way to prosper.

About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)

Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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