Dedicated Server Hosting > Blog > Write Guest Blog for us

Write Guest Blog for us

Approach us today and keep Writing!

Go through and please consider the mentioned guidelines which are highly important if you wish to get your blog selected and posted with us.

  1. The content must be concrete, grammatically correct, unique, and should be unpublished.
  2. All the samples should have at least 800-1500 word length.
  3. The submitted article or blog should revolve around the topics which are fresh, well-studied, brainstormed, and should demonstrate your own opinion.
  4. We are more interested in those articles which have 2-5 original/relevant images with media such as infographics, YouTube videos, graphs and many more. Hence, do ensure that your articles involve all of them for shortlisting.
  5. Author’s bio with your write-up should be provided. The bio must be less than 75 words.
  6. Writers should possess at least one or more social media account. It is highly important to note here that any fake or inactive social media accounts will be rejected by us strictly.
  7. We do not shortlist those content which is directly written for promoting a product or even a service. We aim to accept those content which can educate our readers.
  8. We permit some relevant external links in your samples. If the listed links are directed to unsuited sources, your content will be rejected there and then. In fact, we do support linking with PDFs, whitepapers, and various sources.

Send your guest post or Infographic request, using this form :

Guest Post

About admin (77 Posts)