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Growing Demand for Green Web Technology

One might definitely agree to the fact Internet is an integral part of our lives, but have you ever wondered how much power do these web hosting servers consume to drive web pages?

An appropriate answer to this question is that hosting of millions of websites on the Internet consumes a substantial amount of energy.

A small website with only ten pages and web traffic of around thousand people might not have a significant impact on the environment. But if you just broaden your horizon and imagine huge websites like Twitter and Google who have enormous web technology search services, you will be able to gauge the severity of the situation.

According to research analysts every two Google searches performed, create around 15g of CO2, which is almost equivalent to the amount emitted during boiling a kettle of water.

Data center operations pose a great threat to the environment. It has been observed that most of the energy exhausted by data centers from the grid is used in an inefficient manner. There are several web hosting providers that operate their data centers round the clock at maximum capacity, despite of low hardware demand.

Moreover, these data centers deploy diesel driven generators to ensure uninterrupted business performance even during power failures.

According to a leading research firm, most of the power utilized by data centers is not put to actual cloud computing usage. Studies reveal that most of them only consume around 6 to 12 percent of the power derived from the grid and the rest of the energy is used to operate these servers in an idle mode to meet any unseen upsurge in the website traffic.

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The demand for web hosting services is incessantly burgeoning due a rapid increase in the web technology users. And so is the strain on energy resources.

Web hosting providers cannot shy away from the fact that there is an immediate need to consider alternate hosting solutions that help to curtail energy consumption. Green web technology is the best solution designed to save our environment.

Consumption of renewable energy, carbon offsetting and cloud hosting platform are some of the significant steps adopted by organizations to strengthen the green movement and make a difference to this world.

Going green is the vision and mission statement for most of the industry giants. These companies are advocating green initiatives to augment environmental consciousness in data center operations. With a steep hike in the number of web server users, it necessitates the need for businesses to design comprehensive strategies in order to minimize power consumption and wastage by data centers.

About Mansi (37 Posts)

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