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Data Center AndIts Benefits

Data Center And Its Benefits That Changes Your ViewPoint

Covid-19 has to shudder the world to its deep roots. It has put the world nations to the test. This virus has shown its capacity to the healthcare system supply chains. Similarly, data center servers have put the test during this pandemic to demonstrate if they are essential if they are delivering and exercising, working, socializing, learning, shopping, and attending social events. 

Some top most successful tech giants consider their data centers as their main strategic assets including Apple, Google, and Facebook. Today, both large and small enterprises want to change their data centers into valuable assets. It can only be possible by striking a balance between reliability and efficiency. 

Data Center

A data center is a facility that organizes users to store, process, and distribute applications and data. The design is based on the computing network and storage resources which enables it to deliver the shared applications and data. The key components of the data center are network infrastructure, computing resources, and storage infrastructure.

Network infrastructure connects with the servers, storage, data center services, and outside connectivity to end-user locations. Storage infrastructure holds the data. Computing resources – servers provide processing, memory, local storage, and network connectivity that run applications online.

Data Center Benefits

It might sound easy to accomplish but it is not. It used to be much easier during the time of IT monopoly. To remain competitive, IT departments must have recognizable data centers. This can enable them to successfully manage the collection of the data and improve services during the pandemic situation.

Since the digital transformation, data is growing at an unprecedented rate. Before the pandemic, some great companies like  Gartner forecasted cloud computing will reach $300 billion by 2021, which will be up from $175.8 billion in 2018. Post pandemic demand for data center solutions will be even higher than ever. As per (NBN) Australia’s National Broadband Network 70-80% comparison have increased.


Every time operation easily makes us forget why a data center is different from the other parts of the business. Data is the other most important aspect whenever you are planning to run business operations. It is the single place to store, distribute large amounts of business data, and process.

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Different departments in any organization where data is generated and used as part of the analysis, operations, and strategy work. However, the data center is the only place where data is reliably collected, secured, and preserved. They are part of the organization that is capable of conducting data as an asset for growing business. By capturing the most valuable data, the IT department needs to beat the balance between operating and capital expenses. This will support business initiatives from the various operations.

The pandemic has led to growing the usage of cloud platforms and also the data-intensive applications. There are a lot of questions that you might be asking like what’s next? Where do you want to go from here? What is the future of data centers in the post-pandemic world?

Benefits of Data Center

Advancements in technology had designed data centers to be the main powerhouses of the industries. But as technology evolves constantly, the change in the organizations do business. This also impacts the requirement for the data and power. An increase in requirement for different resources is sometimes too much for different organizations. To handle them with existing infrastructure. They require the company to invest long hours and personnel to maintain the high demand. Data centers in such companies outsource their power needs.

Benefits of Data Center Management

COVID-19 crisis is creating more demand to make a digital change online. From power to cooling infrastructure of IT hardware and software. This is expected to shift gear for the cloud service provider data centers. According to Omdia, there are different ways that organizations benefit from data centers. This can help companies enormously as the organizations can then shift their focus on their consumer objective instead of technological maintenance.

Protecting Power – Servers that are kept onsite are more likely to have broadband issues. This can easily create havoc among organizations due to technological and various other natural disasters. Businesses that are outsourcing data are less impacted by a power failure. Furthermore, events of power loss within 1/50 of a second can make IT equipment unavailable for 15 minutes.

Sometimes these power failures could go to hours and might become incurable if they are resulting in data loss.

  • Secure Data Storage – In recent times, the number of cyber-attacks has taken a storm which has increased fear among companies. This has also intensified the different problems and various risks with the loss of data. Data centers prove to be a much more secure option for storing data. Storage systems, network devices, and servers all have become very small. In different cases, power conditions fail which was earlier repelled by old equipment. Data centers not only provide reliable storage but also eradicate glitches of portable technology.
  • Cutting Edge-Prices – According to research by the Electric Power Research Institute, on 2 million businesses, the U.S. lost over $45.7 billion, and another lost over $6.7 billion to power because of quality disturbances. A portion of this loss can easily be eradicated via data centers. As they utilize a system that has the potential to withstand sudden power conditions. Conditions are not favorable for generators all the time, as they need a lot of energy to maintain.
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These components are sometimes crucial for the company and are also very immune to different electrical disturbances. Contributing to the power costs. In recent times, the price of power and cooling has increased drastically. Data Center managers are responsibly managing the availability and reduction in power costs.

  • Improve Efficiency – By the law itself, electrical power varies widely and causes a lot of problems for IT equipment. Legally, the voltage also varies from 5.7% to 8.3%. According to the current U.S standards, the utility services promise 208 volts but they legally give 191 to 220 volts. This erratically eliminates power levels by data centers with strict monitoring and guidelines processes.

Moreover, businesses have a power source utility that isn’t always clear. The public utilities are used to supply the central hub. Different organizations use the same power grid which slows down the IT functions of companies. Such companies notice improvements in their regular working hours and also functioning after the data centers privatize power. This ensures that only a single company is connected to the grid.

Managing Business to Benefit from Data Center

Technological advancements are rapidly changing the current working models. Change in human behavior has also adopted new conditions which are very hard. If companies and businesses are finding themselves fully beneficial from the data center. They might need to make some changes to their workflows. The potential advantage can be operationally and financially transformative for businesses. They are ready to grasp and reinvent the data and new data strategies.

Different Types of Data Centers

There are different types of data center facilities. But the classification of each facility is based on technological efficiency and energy usage. Whether the data center is owned by single or multiple organizations. There are four main types of data centers.

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Each data center operates the organization’s most critical assets. As data centers are vital to continue daily operations. It’s their integral part of the enterprise designed to support all kinds of applications and offer servers.

  • Enterprise Data Centers: Built, operated, owned by the company, and optimized for their clients.
  • Managed Server Data Centers: Monitored and managed by the third-party services providers. Companies who don’t want to buy the facilities and the equipment, but leases all such operations.
  • Colocation/ Colo Data Centers: A company rents server space and hosts all the data, infrastructure within a data center. Equipment, space, and bandwidth are always available for rent to companies.
  • Cloud Data Centers: Data and applications are generally hosted by the cloud service providers such as – AWS (Amazon Web Services), IBM Cloud, Microsoft (Azure), or other public cloud providers.


Data centers services in India are now being surge. The pandemic has created another havoc among many businesses. And businesses need strong solutions. That’s why opting for cloud services with their own data center is creating great demand. Different companies have different requirements. That is what Go4hosting experts understand very well. This is why we have designed different data centers for different needs, seeing potential in the market for the need of data centers. 

We are offering data center services with the latest hardware equipment and implementation of the latest technology. Opting for a local data center will make organizations grow and expand. But the odds are good that organizations ask how such a facility will get the advantage for your specific business. And also how they can choose the right-center. Connect with Go4hosting experts – understand your requirements and take the right decision.

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About Raghav Bansal (5 Posts)

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