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Significant Attributes Hyper Cloud that Support Data Center Modernization

Data centers are the mirrors of digital evolution since these reflect a wide range of technological developments in terms of cloud computing, storage, in addition to a plethora of applications. In a highly competitive environment, modernization through digital transformation is a key to achieve automation and innovation in order to differentiate your business in the market.

Continuous pressure due to the need to adopt rapidly evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and the huge demand for connectivity for operating IoT applications have forced data centers to shed their monolithic architecture for a leaner and more resilient deployments. Modern enterprise data centers are designed to operate in a decentralized environment.

The data centers are facing an urgent need to adopt a modern outlook by dealing with a number of roadblocks before they can be transformed into the next generation infrastructures.


Dilemma of selecting right deployment

The most daunting challenge while deploying a data center resource is to choose from two potentially beneficial deployments including Hyperconverged and Hyperscale offering. Both deployment options provide an excellent scope for growth which to the tune of more than twenty five percent CAGR.

If you are looking for an easily manageable deployment that can operate without the need for large scale dataset needs, then a Hyperconverged deployment needs to be considered. These are perfect operating point use applications such as ROBO and VDI, in addition to testing and development workloads. HCI is part of the software defined storage, which is also being adopted by a great number of companies to gain freedom from complexities of managing storage workloads.

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Organizations adopt Hyperscale deployments to gain flexibility of managing multiple applications. These two options are currently experiencing a healthy growth trend because of the obvious advantages offered to enterprise customers.

Insights in modern deployment options

Shift to a Hyperconverged infrastructure from traditional and hardware intensive deployment is essentially aimed at embracing a software intensive approach for gaining greater flexibility. Unlike a converged infrastructure that consists of separate storage components attached to standalone servers directly, a Hyperconverged infrastructure has no separate components.

Moreover, a Hyperconverged deployment supports centralized management of the storage because a single server is deployed to house storage array and controller. This arrangement does not permit local storage of data on different server.

Modern management of data center in India workloads demands a highly agile approach and the Hyperconverged model is the most ideal approach to achieve this. It is hardly any wonder that the model has found its rightful place in a large spectrum of business scenarios.

Need for an innovative approach

Hyperscale storage fulfils requirement of diverse storage requirements. It is built by separating storage arrays and storage controller to create a distributed version of computing ecosystem. It is aptly named as hyperscale storage because it delivers instant scalability to address addition of higher workloads.

The remarkable scalability of hyperscale storage system has potential to handle massive storage workloads for development of expansive cloud systems as well as big data. The immediate advantage of hyperscale storage besides the scalability is reduction of TCO. This is due to the adoption of commodity severs in addition to a large number of virtual servers that need no capital or hardware investment.

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Use of physical servers to deal with such large scale storage workloads can result in a highly expensive and complex infrastructure, which will be difficult to manage and control.

Getting cloud ready

There is hardly any doubt that all enterprises will embrace cloud to some extent in near future. This fact can be confirmed by studying the trends of cloud spending which establish cloud as a next destination irrespective of size of the organization.

One should be careful not to incur excessive expenditure as a result of poor management of cloud adoption. There are many examples of enterprises that have not optimized their cloud adoption and thus spent a fortune for cloud instances that were not required at all.

This brings us to a hyper-cloud deployment that addresses the need to optimize cloud instances in order to minimize expenditure without impacting the wide spectrum of advantages offered by cloud adoption. The bare minimum list of requirements as mentioned below is the main feature of hyper-cloud deployment.

Flexibility and freedom

Hyper-cloud infrastructure facilitates adoption of Hyperconverged or Hyperscale storage as desired by users. It allows seamless use of networking, compute, and hardware in a number of different ways.

It is a common scenario in hardware intensive infrastructures that makes users purchase specific hardware. This can lead to loss of time as the competition is surging ahead at breakneck speed. Thanks to the ability of hyper-cloud to innovate at high speed, you can take a lead over others.

Improved public cloud accessibility

The most complex scenario in a cloud adoption is that of vendor lock in. This can be easily prevented with help of hyper cloud infrastructure that lets you consume public cloud as if it were a commodity. Hyper cloud offers robust support to several vendors of public cloud to provide ease of shifting between vendors.

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For more info:

Attributes of Different Data Center Tiers

About Madison (5 Posts)

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