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Do You Know That Blade Servers Enhance Operational Efficiency and Boost Productivity?

Servers run the world…Having a cost-effective and proficient server is similar to having “healthy food” with more vitamins, proteins, and other essential attributes at significantly lower costs.

Blade Servers growing popularity and “efficiency boosting capabilities” are making enterprises to think of “Blade Server” and deploy the same for optimized performance. Many of the companies have already switched to “blade server” and have slashed down their annual IT expenses. The redundancy, efficiency, and compact size have made it a preferred solution for web hosting, cluster computing, and virtualization. The major players in the blade market are HP, Dell, IBM and Cisco.

  • Hot Swapping: Hot Swapping allows replacing the computer system components for configuring or repairing the working system without the need of shutting down the system. This ensures having uninterrupted performance, even at the time of replacements. Moreover, memory, I/O bandwidth, and processing power can be simply added to blade servers.
  • Increased ROI: A blade platform eases the management of entire server infrastructure, hence improvising IT efficiency, and productivity. It allows migrating workloads and accelerating at the faster rate.
  • Enhanced Performance: As per the IDC report, Blade servers account for almost 17 percent of all server revenue. Greater performance and scalability are the top attributes for blade server investments.
  • Cost-effective: Blade Servers reduces cost on power, spacing, and cabling needs, thus providing seamless performance and trigger capital and operating cost reductions. The overall cost of blade servers is significantly less than that of traditional servers. Moreover, it allows IT professionals to focus on other initiatives and add value to the businesses.
  • Flexibility: Blade Enclosures are ease to configure; hence it makes them a befitting solution for all the walk of the businesses (of any size).
  • Interchangeable Components: The modular design of blade servers allows sharing networking, storage, power, cooling, within a common enclosure with ease. All the components can be centrally monitored and managed.
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Demand for greater performance, flexibility, and ease for management are considered as the leading driver of blade server purchases. Having modular design, the stripped down server computer is optimized to retrench the demand of space and energy. Blade Servers are designed to minimize energy consumption, increase productivity, and space.

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About Taiba Fatima (151 Posts)

Taiba Fatima is a Delhi, India based content writer with a knack for technical writing. Her alacrity to explore new horizons and learn technological advancements add piquancy to her writing profession. Apart from technology, she is a passionate blogger and loves to write about other verticals including: BPO sector, Travel, Art & Culture.

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