Try running the same in Terminal or Command Prompt. Below is the screenshot of the same.
cd desktop is Windows command to change active directory to desktop. dir is the ls equivalent in command prompt.
Type python in command prompt or Terminal in Mac and the result should look something like-
If typing �Python� leads to error, it is quite likely that you have not configured it with CMD.
Here�s how to do it-
Right click on Computer and go to Properties.
Now click on advance system settings and then Environment Variables.
Click on environment variables, then scroll to the field where it says path. If it does not point to Python, edit path.
From My Computer, located the Python folder. Mine is located right inside the C drive.
From the address bar, copy the address and paste it in the path tab.
Overall, path field should finally look like-
Exit any running command terminals and try running it again � also, always run as an admin.
Type in python.
This should load a few stats for your python.
Note, you can assign environment variables the same way even on your python hosting VM, provided you have
Windows Server installed to it.