Which architectural pattern does Django follow?

Django follows MVC (model-view-controller) architecture pattern, written in Python programming language and designed for creating easy apps with rapid development. Django contains four architectural layers:

Models Layer that describes the database schema and data structure.

- Views Layer is UI responsible for controlling what a user sees, retrieving data from appropriate models and executing any calculation made using the data. It finally sends executed data to the template.

- Templates Layer is responsible for determining how a user sees. It is also responsible for describing how the data is received from the Views. And secondly, should the data received be changed or formatted for display on the web page?

- Controller Layer controls the requests and responses, set-up database connections and loading add-ons, specifying Django framework and URL parsing.

Is Django MVC or MCT?

Django is MVC. The difference between MVC and MVT pattern has been summarized below-

Model View Controller (MVC)

Model View Template (MVT)

The controller in MVC drives both View and Model

MVT has Views to receive HTTP requests and return responses

View tells us how the user data will be presented

In MVT, Templates are used to fulfill that very purpose

MVC works on commands written in control specific code

MVT framework itself manages the controller part

Coupled highly

Vaguely coupled

Modifications are difficult to make

Easily modifiable

Mapping of URLs isn't required

URL pattern mapping is an integral part


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