Switching web hosts would have never being needed if the
hosting service provider would have provided 100 per cent uptime, amazing loading time, and affordable cost. However, this doesn’t happen always. That’s why users have to move their domain from one host to the other. And yes, you can keep the domain name even when you are changing the
web hosting. It is more like shifting from one rental house to another, in real life scenario.
Just like moving to a new house, here too you have to find a new host first, sign the required paper works, and then move your data to the new host, keeping the
domain name as it is. In such a process what you have to change is the DNS record.
In the first step of the changing domain, you have to purchase a new web host first. While making the purchase, do not forget to register your existing domain to a 3rd party provider. This will help you if you make any further host change in the future. Once the purchase is done, backup sites to new web host. To
back-up static sites, you simply have to copy old file structure to new host.