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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:20 am
Posts: 209
Why Dedicated Server hosting?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:36 pm 

Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:53 pm
Posts: 77
A dedicated server hosting has its unique advantages, since a dedicated server offers features those can never be offered by any other module of any other server hosting solution.

A dedicated server hosting plan for a user means that the user’s web site is the only web site that is being hosted on that dedicated server. This makes the dedicated server hosting an entirely sealed hosting service for the user, as no other user can have any access or use of any server resources of the dedicated server hosting.

Unlike shared hosting, where the amount of disk space and bandwidth is limited for a particular user, the user of a dedicated server hosting has the total amount of disk space and bandwidth at her/his disposal. This makes dedicated server hosting the ideal hosting solution for hosting the business web site or the set of company web sites of a business giant or a mega business organisation.

Dedicated server hosting is the only perfect hosting solution for hosting the web sites of E Commerce businesses. The entire business operations of these E Commerce houses or business giants are conducted online and these web sites also have the load of huge web site visitor’s traffic, numbering in millions, during peak business hours.

Dedicated server hosting provides guaranteed uninterrupted running of the business web sites without any fear of crashing. The dedicated server hosting solution also manages the traffic load to the web site, successfully.

Dedicated server hosting offers optimum performance, maximum security, complete flexibility, cost saving, better uptime, better backup services, etc, to the user. The dedicated server hosting service from a good hosting service provider company, such as Go4hosting, will always provide trouble free hosting service to the user.

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