Linux and
Windows are two popular operating system options used by the web hosting companies for their servers.
Linux is a Unix -based free and open-source software while Windows is a Microsoft-owned and users must pay a license fee to run it. Both the operating systems have FTP access. Linux offers SSH access too.
Linux hosting servers come with the popular cPanel control panel as well as WHM (web host manager) while the Windows servers run the plush Parallel Plesk control panel.
Linux servers use the scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Python and CGI and run the MySQL database for the dynamic websites. Windows is compatible with these technologies and it, more often, uses the Microsoft technologies of ASP, ASP.NET, MSSQL, MSAccess. Linux servers do not support these Windows technologies.
Linux is case sensitive if the file names and directory names do not match and users end up with two pages. Windows is not affected even if the names are written in uppercase or lowercase.
Windows and
Linux Dedicated Server are robust and can handle high pressures. Linux has a better reputation for running continuously without any interruptions. Linux also seldom requires rebooting. Windows, on the other hand, needs a reboot each time there is an update or upgrade.