Cloud hosting
Cloud hosting enables organizations enjoy freedom from purchase or maintenance of hardware equipment and guarantees on-demand scalability of instances as well as disk space. Cloud hosting empowers companies with resilient and redundant resources with utility based payment option.
Cloud services are more expensive including resources of SQL storage, and disk space.
Dedicated server hosting
Dedicated server hosting option is preferred over cloud hosting since many companies cannot digest the idea of storing their mission critical data at unknown locations. Dedicated hosting entitles users with autonomy of a standalone server with all its resources reserved for a single user. It is relatively more economical than cloud hosting and provides enough room for growth
Users need to pay for the maximum level of resources even if these are not being consumed. There are limitations in terms of physical scaling, disk space, and rigidity of specifications.
What is right?
It needs to be understood that consideration of cost or economy usually takes a back seat while seeking a solution to store mission critical data. Security, redundancy, availability, and reliability are some of the features that need to be assessed while making a right choice. However, cloud hosting merges security as well as economy of storage and should be considered as the right option.