The Cloud VPS Hosting and
VPS Hosting differ from each other in many ways, though these differences are subtle but can be distinguished, below given are some of the dissimilarities between the two:
- In VPS Hosting a dedicated server is divided into different servers whereas in Cloud VPS Hosting a small portion of a network of machines is connected with each other.
- The
Cloud VPS Hosting one has to make monthly payment the price of which is fixed and it includes specific bandwidth.
- A VPS will go down if a part of the machine fails and the VPS will go down whereas in case if the Cloud Server the system is re-routed.
- The Cloud Hosting VPS gives options to choose from different operating systems whereas in case of VPS Hosting there is just one operating system.
- Unlike the VPS Hosting the Cloud Hosting is cheaper, has resource scaling and gives secure environment. It is scalable whereas the VPS hosting is not.
- VPS Hosting focuses on the compute or the server and its local storage is with the hard disk whereas the Cloud usually provides services like load balancing and networking.