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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 8:02 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:58 am
Posts: 11
I have some simple website for Hosting where I want to have full control of server. Since the traffic is not much I would opt for VPS instead of Dedicated Server. My website can support both Windows and Linux and hence I need guidance on choosing linux or Windows VPS Hosting platform. I have specific questions on this

1. Which platform is more stable between Linux and Windows
2. I heard Linux VPS hosting can handle more traffic than Windows ? Is this true ?
3. I heard that Linux VPS's are virus free in comparison to Windows?
4. I also heard that Linux VPS are more secure than Windows
5. Is this true that Windows is easier to manage than Linux
6. Where can I get the Free Control Panel
7. Should I take the backup services or where is the backup easier

Please help

PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:29 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:11 am
Posts: 15
1. Which platform is more stable between Linux and Windows?

> Although there are no parameters to measure stability factor of VPS, but both of them Linux and Windows are well adept and deliver high performance. As a matter of fact, your question can be well answered by your own business requirements. Depending on what type of business data you have, you need to determine that which VPS would be best suited for it.

2. I heard Linux VPS can handle more traffic than Windows? Is this true?

> Linux and Windows are well equipped with ultra-modern features and are convenient for use. Traffic handling does not depend only on VPS you use. If you are more than comfortable using the Linux, then you will be able to handle traffic better on it. Conversely, if you are more than ok use Windows, then you can handle traffic on Windows better.

3. I heard that Linux VPS's are virus free in comparison to Windows?

> This statement might be true as Linux has some antivirus applications, which do auto-scan on regular basis to keep the environment virus free.

4. I also heard that Linux VPS are more secure than Windows

> It is totally your preference of use. If you are an expert as a Windows admin, then you will be more than capable to keep your system well protected and secure than ever. On the contrary, a skilled user of Linux admin will be able to secure the system better than a newbie Windows admin.

5. Is this true that Windows is easier to manage than Linux?

> There are several applications, which are very easy to use for one User, while other users may find them difficult to manage. Same rule applies to Windows and Linux. For this, you need to observe if you are more comfortable with which VPS, Linux or Windows. Some might find Linux more convincing while others may stay acquainted with Windows.

6. Where can I get the Free Control Panel?

> There are several third party websites from which you can get free control panel. For instance: Zpanelcp is one to count for that is offering open source control panel free of cost

7. Should I take the backup services or where is the backup easier?

> Again, it is a requirement based query that can be accurately determined by your own business requirements. Taking a backup service is considered to be an essential and smart step to make but it is totally optional. Backup can be availed in two ways, which are:
  • On server
  • Off site location

With first option of backup on server, data will be accessible to you all the time, but it may or may not affect the performance of your server.

Off site location is another option of having backup services of your data, but again it won’t be accessible round the clock.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:06 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:05 pm
Posts: 70
A Linux VPS server Will Always Be Cheaper, Increased Reliability, Supports the Most Popular Technology and Database Support whereas Windows Virtual Private Servers uses Windows Technology, Windows Based Database Support, Microsoft Sharepoint and Remote Desktop.

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