Firstly, you should check out the general SSH instructions about connecting an account via SSH. Generate SSH key pair on your Linux distribution and load the private SSH key by executing the following command:
user@localhost: ssh-add /home/user/.ssh/id_dsa Enter passphrase for id_dsa: Identity added: id_dsa (id_dsa)
Note: The passphrase should be the same as you have set during the generation of the SSH key.
Then, you should initiate an SSH connection by the following command:
user@localhost: ssh USER@HOST_NAME -pPORT
USER- user for which you want to create the SSH connection. Generally, it is same username as the one you used to login the cPanel
HOST_NAME- In this, you have to enter the host IP address of the server to which you want to establish connection.
PORT- it implies the port for connection, here you can use 18765.
Press Enter button to establish the connection.