Basically, remote access to the NetWeaver administrator is forbidden. However, the ICM or the Internet Communication Manager filter rules need to be modified, to be able to access the NetWeaver from a remote location.
The probable solution to this problem of getting a remote access for
SAP HANA NetWeaver lies in SAP Note 1451753 Filtering Administration Requests for Application server Java.
The Uniform Resource Locators or the URLs for NetWeaver Application have a unique prefix. This prefix can be filtered out in the ICM or the Internet Communication manager, on a basis of rules. SAP has come out with an option with NetWeaver 7.1, which allows prevention of access to the administration Uniform Resource locators or URLs of the NetWeaver Administration in the Internet Communication Manager or ICM.
SAP MDG Online Access provides modifications for specific requirements. It is capable of centrally creating and distributing the master data, to suit all modifications.