For communication between instances in the Virtual Private Cloud and the Internet, you can make use of internet gateways. The Internet gateway refers to a redundant, available and scaled
Virtual Private Cloud component which enables such communications and therefore brings no risks or bandwidth limits on traffic. The gateway has two key functions, namely, to give targets in the Virtual Private Cloud route for online traffic, and also to carry out network address translation for the instances which have been provided with public IPv4 addresses.
For enabling access for a Virtual Private Cloud to the internet, you have to attach the internet gateway to the Virtual Private Cloud first. You must also make sure that the subnet’s route table is directed to this gateway. You also have to check that the instances in the sub-net have unique
dedicated IP addresses like IPv6 or IPv4 or elastic IP addresses. Finally, you need to verify that the security groups and network access control rules will let the traffic flow towards and from the instance.
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