
Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over AWS?
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Author:  Gaurav Mani [ Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over AWS?

Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over Amazon web Services?

Author:  Nishant Singha [ Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over AWS?

The features of both the Cloud computing service providers are almost the same. There may be some differences in specific technologies, such as office integration.

Both the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Cloud Services feature within the Leader’s quadrant Cloud, Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS Magic quadrant. Microsoft Azure has been able to create vital advances by its efforts over the years. Azure currently offers a collection of options. Azure has mastered capabilities which surpass its main competitors.

Microsoft Azure scores over its competitors in

• Capabilities of Platform as a Service- Microsoft Azure provides stronger capabilities for Platform as a Service or PaaS, than its competitors. It provides application developers with the atmosphere, tools and building blocks.
• Net Compatibility- Microsoft Azure has the best compatibility with .Net programming language. It puts Azure in a transparent and favourable position.
• Security Features- Azure Cloud Services is supported by Security Development Lifecycle, that contains security at its core and in personal knowledge, to keep the services secured.

Author:  swapnil08 [ Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over AWS?

Hello everyone, hows you ?? Hope everythong alls good there...
Let us discuss with some of the features about it .
When understand the technology regarding Azure vs AWS, there is a lot to understand.

AWS vs Azure:
Features -

Looking as per the market demand, the features of AWS and Azure both are countinuing to build.It is very quick to respond and that are highly in demands.
Some will has individually own way of interest and regarding to that way of knowledge he can give you the proper way of it.
Depending on who you ask, some will argue that while AWS mainly covers the large array of resources that Microsoft Azure offers, however, they don’t seem to quite have the depth - but this is easily contestable.

Hence the importance of understanding the business context of a project, whereby you may find that the resources that will bring the most benefits - whether that be scale or potential revenue, are far better suited to Azure’s offering for example.

Equally, you have the opportunity to take a sample application, and cheaply test the output of both providers.

The Features Of AWS :

The best comparision and going through AWS vs Azure From a general point of view and its features, lets discuss the real offering of that each company provides.

Getting off this site, we have the AWS Product suite.
The amazon Uses the different codes and names to breakdown their cloud products.

Author:  admin [ Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there any benefit of using Microsoft Azure over AWS?

The services and features offered by both Microsoft Azure and AWS are almost the same. Since both are cloud computing service providers thus they offer the same features. But when it comes to specific technologies, like office integration then there might be some differences. Microsoft Azure and Amazon cloud services feature is limited within the leader’s quadrant Cloud, Infrastructure as a service known as IaaS magic quadrant. However Microsoft azure has created vital advances by its efforts over the years. Moreover Azure currently offers a variety of options and it has the ability to surpass its main competitors. Microsoft azure leaves its competitors behind in terms of the capabilities of the platform as a service, net compatibility, and security features.

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